Garmin 705 heartrate strap

Dave Cornwall
Dave Cornwall Posts: 56
edited June 2011 in Workshop

I've had the 705 since July 2009. Three rides ago the heart rate reading was erratic, as if the strap wasn't making proper contact. Tried tightening it for my ride home and it seemed to be ok.

This morning it was under-reading. It was only in the last 200 yards that it seemed to read what I'd expect. The strap is still tight by the way.

It looks like it's due a battery change, which is what I shall do next. But if it isn't the battery, I was wondering if any one else has had this happen, and how they solved it?




  • sungod
    sungod Posts: 17,541
    i often find readings are erratic or non-existent when it's cold, the cure is to moisten the two contact pads before putting it on

    otherwise the lack of perspiration due to the low temperature means the pads make poor contact until i warm up, i'm pretty hairy which makes contact even worse

    wiping a wet finger over the pads is enough

    afaik a low battery on the hrm strap causes the 705 to display an alert message, so the battery is probably ok
    my bike - faster than god's and twice as shiny
  • squeeler
    squeeler Posts: 144
    In the manual it does estimate the battery will last about a year so according to that you are due a change, but who knows how many hours use Garmin expects you to do in a year? It's probably worth swapping it just to rule that out but otherwise I agree with sungod, it only picks up your heart when you sweat or wet the contacts.
  • redvee
    redvee Posts: 11,922
    As mine goes over my head, yes I'm too lazy to undo the clips, I lick my strap on the way down though I have noticed it needs cleaning :oops:
    I've added a signature to prove it is still possible.
  • Thanks for the replies.

    Changed the battery and now it works fine (that's tempting fate!) which is what I thought it would be. Didn't have a low battery warning though. In fact, even when the battery was apparently dead the GPS still detected the strap, so there was still a bit of life in it.

    I was just a bit worried it may have broken, because I'm doing the Action Medical Research Ride 24 cycle race at Goodwood this weekend and it will be nice to have it working properly. Usually with my luck, it's never just the battery!

  • keef66
    keef66 Posts: 13,123
    I also lick my HR strap contacts on the way down to ensure good contact. Usually still salty from the last wearing!