Restoring ol TREK

mbrogden Posts: 7
edited June 2011 in Workshop
Hi Guys

A friend of mine has given me an old TREK road bike of his and it needs a little restoration doing.
The bike has a little rust on the handle bars so any info on removing the rust would be great and the steel wheels are supposed to be silver but have black marks and discolouring all over them, how can I restore these back to shiny silver?

The bike will need re spraying at some point, so any info/tips on stripping and repainting would be grateful.

I would prefer to do all the work myself without having to take the bike to a shop.



  • Yossie
    Yossie Posts: 2,600
    If the handlebars are silver, Solvol will do the job.

    If the handlbars are painted, you'll need to strip the paint back and sand/solvol off and then respray. Remeber to prime, sand etc before sparying and lacquering.

    If just Solvolling, remember to do around the whole area as well otherwise it will look patchy and gash.

    Either way, now they are rusty it'll be a weekly/monthly job if you don't paint.

    if its a run of the mill Trek then I suggest buy a new pair of bars for a tenner or so off the usual suspects on the internet - you'll soon spend this on paint/Solvol/sandpaper etc.

    Same re wheels - Solvol will do the job.

    Re repainting etc: get a big box and a digital camera. Take everything off label it all, and if you aren't too sure how it all goes together, take lots of pictures as you go along. When rebuilding remember that you'll need new bearings, cables, inners, outers, nuts, bolts etc etc. Re the respraying itself, do a Google search for full breakdown - its tricky, but not too difficult, to get a great finish from rattle cans.
  • starockets
    starockets Posts: 67
    This is what I use mainly on my old BMX's and Road Bikes :

    Strip the bike completely down.

    Clean frame up with Muc Off De-greaser.

    Soak all bolts and screws in White Vinegar for 24 hrs, then wire brush and wash / dry.
    Scrub rust spots with vinegar on parts that can't be soaked, wash / dry

    Most of the aluminium parts, Autosol with Scotch-Brite then Cotton Wool (mechs, stems hubs etc.)

    Cover with PTFE spray or polish with Muc Off polish to help seal vulnerable bits.

    Assemble with new cables all round and bar tape / grips.
  • mbrogden
    mbrogden Posts: 7
    Thanks guys,
    I'll clean up the rims first then probably buy new bars later. Cheers
  • Yossie
    Yossie Posts: 2,600
    Serious question!

    Vinegar? As in the stuff you put on your chips?

    I must admit to never have heard of this before - can you explain how/why it works? I am intrigued.

  • starockets
    starockets Posts: 67
    Yossie wrote:
    Serious question!

    Vinegar? As in the stuff you put on your chips?

    I must admit to never have heard of this before - can you explain how/why it works? I am intrigued.


    White vinegar not that brown stuff.
    Don't ask me why it works on rusty bits, i'm a bit thick when it comes to chemistry, you still have to give the a bit of elbow grease as well.

    Have a look at look at RAD BMX forum, you'll find loads of resto tips on there. Silly thinks like oven cleaner for removing anodising etc.