Tyler sinks the Lance



  • Tusher
    Tusher Posts: 2,762
    Oh dear. The bold bit was supposed to be in bright red and large font.

    But you get my drift.
  • TMR
    TMR Posts: 3,986
    That's sort of what I meant

    I know fella, was just expanding my thinking.
  • No_Ta_Doctor
    No_Ta_Doctor Posts: 14,559
    I almost feel sorry for Lance right now. He's really painted himself into a corner.

    What are his realistic options?

    If he comes clean to the public a la Floyd and Hamilton he will almost certainly go down for fraud.

    If he stays silent and waits for Novitsky then the PR battle is lost and he probably goes down even harder.

    There's probably no deal he can cut with Novitsky, there's no-one bigger to throw under the bus.

    All that's left is to deny, deny and deny, attempt to salvage what PR he can and hope that it helps him in court. If (and it's looking more like when now) he gets to court he'll have to deny again, trash everyone around him that testifies against him, try and make it look like a mistrial and muddy the waters so much that even if he does have to do time there will still be people out there believing his innocence.

    He's had his path to redemption and forgiveness cut off, and I actually think that's a shame.
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  • Jez mon
    Jez mon Posts: 3,809
    JV has a lot to lose as well. He has his team to worry about but also his (self?) appointed position as leader of the team organisations

    I too almost feel sorry for Lance, but at the end of the day, he made his bed, now he can lie in it!! I feel he should have looked after Tyler and Floyd better, and perhaps been more humble about life.
    You live and learn. At any rate, you live
  • Tusher
    Tusher Posts: 2,762
    I almost feel sorry for Lance right now.


    He's not worth it.

    Lance knew what he was doing, has had plenty opportunities to remedy it, and hasn't. He's chucked a lot of mud that's stuck to a lot of good people, and never batted an eyelid. He's ruthless.

    You're only feeling this way because you are clearly a kind, honest and compassionate human being.

    I, on the other hand, must be a wicked, twisted old witch, 'cos I'm enjoying every ruddy moment of his downfall.
  • No_Ta_Doctor
    No_Ta_Doctor Posts: 14,559
    Tusher wrote:
    I almost feel sorry for Lance right now.


    He's not worth it.

    Lance knew what he was doing, has had plenty opportunities to remedy it, and hasn't. He's chucked a lot of mud that's stuck to a lot of good people, and never batted an eyelid. He's ruthless.

    You're only feeling this way because you are clearly a kind, honest and compassionate human being.

    I, on the other hand, must be a wicked, twisted old witch, 'cos I'm enjoying every ruddy moment of his downfall.

    I'll do my best to drop the compassion if you knit me a jumper :-)

    Anyway, I only said I almost felt sorry for him. I only have to think back to his run-ins with e.g. Lemond and the feeling evaporates.

    It would be far better for cycling if he came clean and got it over with though :-(
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  • cajun_cyclist
    cajun_cyclist Posts: 493
    Tusher wrote:
    I almost feel sorry for Lance right now.


    He's not worth it.

    Lance knew what he was doing, has had plenty opportunities to remedy it, and hasn't. He's chucked a lot of mud that's stuck to a lot of good people, and never batted an eyelid. He's ruthless.


    At least so I've read in books,

    People like Andreu, once they filled in their service to LA may have been tossed out like an old pair of shoes, some of these fellers may not have been even given their bonuses in good time. And on the other hand, the likes of Landis going on to greener pastures could likewise meet with LA's wrath.

    Like I've said before since I may be 'somewhat religious', to have the 'miracle' remark and at the same time as in the book "It's not about the bike" to say that oneself is basically atheist has never reconciled quite right with me.

    Just my views, I wished the story we've gotten from the media could be true, but we still have heroes, you just have to look for them and maybe I'm wrong anyway.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Tusher wrote:
    I almost feel sorry for Lance right now.


    He's not worth it.

    Lance knew what he was doing, has had plenty opportunities to remedy it, and hasn't. He's chucked a lot of mud that's stuck to a lot of good people, and never batted an eyelid. He's ruthless.

    You're only feeling this way because you are clearly a kind, honest and compassionate human being.

    I, on the other hand, must be a wicked, twisted old witch, 'cos I'm enjoying every ruddy moment of his downfall.

    Is it wrong that I feel the same as you? :oops:

    I wanted him to be clean but the more and more I read about him over the years the more I realised he seemed a reet bugger to some underserving people.

    Then there's these doping allegations. I hope they stick but the fallout for all those inspired Americans will be a shame.
  • PBo
    PBo Posts: 2,493
    HOW can any of you say what is going on? Were you on the Grand Jury? Do you KNOW what evidence has been given? Or do you have Big George 's phone number? Have YOU asked Lance for his version of events? I think not. And to be honest, Lance probably doesn't CARE that you don't know all the facts, but still spend HOURS posting on the internet.

    Maybe he doped, maybe he didn't, it doesn't really matter, but how do YOU know that he didn't look after Floyd or Tyler. Have you been talking to either of them? Lance may be a reet bugger, he may not, but you haven't met him to know whether that's true or NOT have you?
    I bet I know the answer to that already.

    Phew, sorry, been missing Dennisn.......... :twisted:
  • Tusher
    Tusher Posts: 2,762
    I am an internet warrior, therefore I know everything there is to know about LA and his Postie chums.

    I've joined the dots with a big, thick crayon and there is no doubt in my mind about Lance. Took a while, mark you, but the evidence out there is overwhelming.

    And the respect I now feel to Kimmage, Walsh, Betsy, Lemond et cetera is overwhelming. They stood up and spoke the truth when they had everything to loose. All credit to them.
  • ridgerider
    ridgerider Posts: 2,852
    I reckon: -

    1. He is in torment as he feels he still has to live the lie in order to protect the integrity of Livestrong.

    2. He does not have a book coming out, so now is the wrong time to open up.

    Just some thoughts.
    Half man, Half bike
  • Tusher
    Tusher Posts: 2,762
    I reckon you're right.
  • frenchfighter
    frenchfighter Posts: 30,642
    edited May 2011
    20+ year career. 500 drug controls worldwide, in and out of competition. Never a failed test. I rest my case.
    -Lance, twiiter

    Contador is the Greatest
  • Tusher
    Tusher Posts: 2,762
    When was the last time anyone saw Dennisn?
    Is he unwell?
  • IanLD
    IanLD Posts: 423
    I'll do my best to drop the compassion if you knit me a jumper :-)

    How can you be so ruthless? Selling out your compassion for a jumper :wink:

    Err... can I have one too and I'll stop feeling sorry for him after thinking he has been a drugs cheat for the last 12 years or so...
  • IanLD
    IanLD Posts: 423
    I've been wondering where Dennisn is too.

    Hope he is OK and look forward to his views on what is happening. Seems very quiet without him.
  • saunaboy
    saunaboy Posts: 116
    I've got 0% sympathy for him. He could have ended up 'just' a disgraced cheat like the other two & justified it on the basis that everyone else was at it, but he couldn't resist elevating himself up to a far higher profile. I was convinced at one point he was positioing for a political position in the US.

    Add to that that he seems to not be a particularly nice fella & I doubt many folk except the US midwest lot who don't know where France is will be too sad to see him get roasted. In fact I think there'll almost be a sort of satisfaction in watching it happen.

    The real shame is that I know a lot of lads who actually got into road cycling from mountain biking because of him. They had nowt in common with the skinny waifs and didn't pay enough attention to the classics etc to appreciate the more traditional tough riders (that they all love now), but among the lads I know well he was idolised.
  • Monty Dog
    Monty Dog Posts: 20,614
    Regardless of the Feds case, I hope some form restitution will be given to the likes of Greg Lemond and Betsy Andreu who showed significant courage in maintaining reason in the face of viscious attacks by Lance's acolytes. I'll gladly not see another To$$er poncing about in Livestrong kit too.
    Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..
  • No_Ta_Doctor
    No_Ta_Doctor Posts: 14,559
    IanLD wrote:
    I'll do my best to drop the compassion if you knit me a jumper :-)

    How can you be so ruthless? Selling out your compassion for a jumper :wink:

    Err... can I have one too and I'll stop feeling sorry for him after thinking he has been a drugs cheat for the last 12 years or so...

    Hey, a jumper's a jumper and it gets bloody cold here in the winter.
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  • Tusher
    Tusher Posts: 2,762
    How about a nice Lopi jumper, Mr Doctor?
    Haven't knitted one of those in years, and they're such fun to make. Easy too.
  • dg74
    dg74 Posts: 656
    I've a couple of books for sale if anyone is interested?

  • Noclue
    Noclue Posts: 503
    I don't usually comment on the LA threads, although i don't care for him one bit, i don't care if he doped he was mostly riding against and beating dopers anyway. But in my opinon he is a bully and there is something ever so satisfying about watching a bully get there comeupance.
  • Fastlad
    Fastlad Posts: 908
    Tusher wrote:
    I almost feel sorry for Lance right now.


    He's not worth it.

    Lance knew what he was doing, has had plenty opportunities to remedy it, and hasn't. He's chucked a lot of mud that's stuck to a lot of good people, and never batted an eyelid. He's ruthless.

    You're only feeling this way because you are clearly a kind, honest and compassionate human being.

    I, on the other hand, must be a wicked, twisted old witch, 'cos I'm enjoying every ruddy moment of his downfall.

    Downfall?? NOTHING has been proven yet. I think you're a tad premature with your comments. As for you? you sound delighful. :roll:
  • Tusher
    Tusher Posts: 2,762
    Yes, that chimes with me, Noclue. He is a bully.
  • No_Ta_Doctor
    No_Ta_Doctor Posts: 14,559
    Tusher wrote:
    How about a nice Lopi jumper, Mr Doctor?
    Haven't knitted one of those in years, and they're such fun to make. Easy too.

    With metal fasteners at the neck and everything? Yes please! :-)
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  • ms_tree
    ms_tree Posts: 1,405
    Tusher wrote:
    I've joined the dots with a big, thick crayon and there is no doubt in my mind about Lance. Took a while, mark you, but the evidence out there is overwhelming.

    Glad you've joined the club at last Tusher! I always said he was a power freak and a bully (but then I am and always will be Pantani fan whatever).


    PS What is a Lopi jumper? I'm knitting a sweater while watching the Giro but have decided I hate the colour - luckily it isn't for me!
    'Google can bring back a hundred thousand answers. A librarian can bring you back the right one.'
    Neil Gaiman
  • IanLD
    IanLD Posts: 423
    Just google Lopi jumper to see.

    Nice Icelandic jumper if you can't be bothered :D
  • Gazzetta67
    Gazzetta67 Posts: 1,890
    What if he takes other`s down with him - It`s going to be very interesting in the gym hall when it`s ONLY a LeMond fitness trainer they can use :D
  • BarryBonds
    BarryBonds Posts: 344
    Noclue wrote:
    I don't usually comment on the LA threads, although i don't care for him one bit, i don't care if he doped he was mostly riding against and beating dopers anyway. But in my opinon he is a bully and there is something ever so satisfying about watching a bully get there comeupance.

    +1 massive one
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241
    Tusher wrote:
    How about a nice Lopi jumper, Mr Doctor?
    Haven't knitted one of those in years, and they're such fun to make. Easy too.

    Tusher, how about knitting an orange jumpsuit? Maybe to suit someone about 5' 10", slim build. If you could incorporate the words 'Austin Correctional Facility' on the back, all the better
    Twitter: @RichN95