Are powertaps a rip off?
Just trying to find out people experience with Powertaps. I've had my Elite + for just over 2 years and done nearly 20000 mile on it. I've a problem with the hub not waking its self up when spun. I've spoken to Powertap who think I may need a new torque tube at a cost of around £400! This is half the price of a new hub. When I purchased it I didn't expect to be having to forking out that kind of money every 2 years. It's a bit like buying a new car then having to have a new engine fitted every 2 years at 50% of the purchase price.
I've a 2 year old Pro+ with similar mileage. I've not yet had any problems with the electronics, but the bearings have a fair bit of play now. I need to get my finger out and replace them whilst I'm racing more than training (and hence using the PT far less).0
I wouldn't say that they're a rip off as I find mine a very valuable training tool. What I would say is that the quality is below what you'd expect for the money. I've only done 3500 miles on mine and it's had the torque tube replaced already within the warranty period and I've had to return it twice to have the bearings replaced. Paligap have been very good each time I've had to deal with them about these issues but I do feel that Saris need to address the quality of the bearings as I'm aware that this is a common complaint amongst Powertap owners.0
My feeling is that when you buy an expensive item, you should budget for expensive spares/repairs... I wouldn't buy a Porsche Cayenne, even if it was down to 5 K for the simple fact that any visit to the garage would set me off one grand or so... (besides, it's awful)...left the forum March 20230
There is no saying that the problem will occur every 2 years though. You might get a new one fitted and it last for many years to come. Anything mechanical can break unfortunately it is just one of those things.
I would agree that quality is possibly a bit of an issue, especially with the bearings etc, but 20,000 miles is a fair distance to be traveled in 2 years, and in possibly all weathers, so I wouldn't be too unhappy. I can appreciate £400 is not a small outlay though.0