pauldavid Posts: 392
edited May 2011 in Road beginners
Just done my first 30 mile ride today, I know that this is not a lot of mileage to a lot on here but I've only been going a few weeks and have stuck to a 15 mile circuit I'm comfortable with before now.

Wanted to just let someone anyone know as I'm so pleased with myself. I'm still very overweight and haven't exercised atall for several years so feeling a llittle giddy.

Managed to average 14.1mph over the 30 miles which suprised me as I only average 14.8-14.9 on the 15 mile route and don't ever feel that I could give an awful lot more.

looking forward to tomorrow now and hoping the rain holds off although I think I'll only do the 15 mile route tomorrow as I don't want to overdo it and crock myself.


  • Cleat Eastwood
    Cleat Eastwood Posts: 7,508
    it is quite a leap from 15 to 30, so well done. Why not try and add an extra 5 miles onto that, then the difference between 35 and 50 is only 15 which you know you can do and then you're on your first 50 and then then you're gripped. Keep it up dude and safe riding.
    The dissenter is every human being at those moments of his life when he resigns
    momentarily from the herd and thinks for himself.
  • Secteur
    Secteur Posts: 1,971

    I'm just like you - I did my first 30 (32.5, actually) last week, and it nearly killed me (2500ft ascent, in my defence, and a strong headwind - honest!!). Only riding a couple of months, and lifelong overweight (but it's literally dropping off with the cycling & careful diet)

    I have realised I'm not a distance rider, so I stick to my 25milers max, with 10 and 15milers if I am more pushed for time.

    Despite feeling like death, I felt triumphant after my one and only 30 miler!

    Well done!
  • suzyb
    suzyb Posts: 3,449
    Well done on the run. It's a good feeling when you get back after riding that far the first time. Good average speed though.

    I was a couple of miles short of 30 today. Not my first long ride but my first since september last year. Average speed was only a pathetic 11.9mph compared to the 14 on my little 8 mile loop but I did a LOT more climbing, part of it into a headwind and was caught in a thunderstorm.
  • 3Pears
    3Pears Posts: 174
    Pauldavid, Well done mate, doesn't matter what anyone else can do, most can still remember their first long ride and that warm feeling of your achievement :lol:

    Keep at it and I'm sure 50 wont be too far away :wink:
  • unixnerd
    unixnerd Posts: 2,864
    Well done :-) Don't push it the day after a big ride, you may want to have a day off the bike altogether. Rest days are very important to let your muscles heal.
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    Specialized Roubaix SL3 Expert 2012, Cannondale CAAD5,
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  • Garryboy
    Garryboy Posts: 344
    Well done

    Similar position myself did 40 miles (only second time) today 1200 ft ascent avg 14.7 mph - not fast I know but Im just happy I dont need to stop for a breather anymore!

    I think its incredible the improvment you can achieve in a short time, although Im sure that will slow down and/or need more effort to maintain.

    Main thing is to enjoy it!
  • cloggsy
    cloggsy Posts: 243
    Good going!

    Like you I am a noob and the biggest ride I have done to date is a 33 mile loop - I was chuffed to monkeys when I completed that!
  • Well done. It is good to feel good.
  • Stone Glider
    Stone Glider Posts: 1,227
    Well done. Bear in mind the 10% rule of only increasing by that amount as an incremental improvement. That will allow you to build on your achievements but still enjoy the whole experience. This is supposed to be fun :)
    The older I get the faster I was
  • Well done,
    ive only been riding a month or so and cracked the 30 mile mark the other day, i think ive managed to tell the whole world about it ever since. :D

    is it just me or does anyone else find the first 5-8 miles a real slog?? after this i feel great and can ride much harder.
    2011 CAAD8 105
    Novice of all novices......
  • kettrinboy
    kettrinboy Posts: 613
    In the last few weeks ive got to appreciate how big a goal a 30 mile ride is for new riders, as ive been taking my sister and bro-in-law, both complete novices to cycling, out on 10-15 mile loops, both of them struggle on the hills and into the wind but they are keen to improve and i,ll try to bring them on, like the OP a 30 miler for them now would be a massive achievement,but if they stick at it they could be ready for it in a month or two, and i,ll be pleased as i helped them get there.
  • pauldavid
    pauldavid Posts: 392
    Thanks for all the encouragement, I don't think keeping going is going to be a problem as I am absolutely loving riding a bike again after so many years of doing nothing.

    I admit it is hard work on the rides where I seem to have an headwind regardless of the direction I travel in and my next priority is to work out some routes with decent climbs on them as I am the worst climber on the world :oops: , hoping a little practice will improve that though. :)
  • -steves-
    -steves- Posts: 99
    pauldavid wrote:
    my next priority is to work out some routes with decent climbs on them as I am the worst climber on the world :oops:

    I reckon there could be lots of competetion for that title as I would be going for that one too, as well as a few thousand others from what I can gather. I rode with a cycling club yesterday, and most of them don't like hills and headwind either even though they are much better than I was at it, seems we are not alone here :lol:
  • suzyb
    suzyb Posts: 3,449
    pauldavid wrote:
    Thanks for all the encouragement, I don't think keeping going is going to be a problem as I am absolutely loving riding a bike again after so many years of doing nothing.

    I admit it is hard work on the rides where I seem to have an headwind regardless of the direction I travel in and my next priority is to work out some routes with decent climbs on them as I am the worst climber on the world :oops: , hoping a little practice will improve that though. :)
    You can't be worse than someone who'd sometimes be quicker walking up the hills :oops:
  • navrig
    navrig Posts: 1,352
    Well done and don't forget to try and vary your route. That can be as beneficial as increasing the distance.
  • Well done,

    is it just me or does anyone else find the first 5-8 miles a real slog?? after this i feel great and can ride much harder.

    That is because you are still warming up.