Bike Cleaning

Secteur Posts: 1,971
edited May 2011 in Road beginners
Been riding 2 months or so now.

Got my Leisure Lakes VIP Club "gift" - the MucOff cleaning kit, and decided to give my bike a really good clean - wheels off - the works.

Can't believe how incredible toe MucOff chain cleaner is - it just effortlessly blows away the grime leaving a sparkling factory-new chain & sprockets.

Gave the rest a good clean, sprayed it down and now it looks like new!

I find almost as much pleasure in taking care of my bike as I do in riding it!


  • christurbo
    christurbo Posts: 432
    Be careful not to get it anywhere near your hubs, headset, and BB
  • Secteur
    Secteur Posts: 1,971
    I only put the chain cleaner on the chain and gears.

    Not sure what a BB is?

    I put the general purpose MucOff cleaner and the MucOff degreaser spray on all bike parts though.

    I also put the MucOff Bike Spray everywhere (except rims and brake pads, obviously!). I think it's a PTFE type spray.
  • christurbo
    christurbo Posts: 432
    BB is the Bottom Bracket.

    I highly advise against putting any of the Muc Off solutions near to the components I stated above. I did so a while ago which resulted in a rear hub rebuild, 2 x cartridge bearings for the front rim, and a bottom bracket on my Enduro!

    Its very good at removing grease - I mean VERY! :lol:
  • Robbie1958
    Robbie1958 Posts: 148
    Secteur wrote:
    Been riding 2 months or so now.

    Got my Leisure Lakes VIP Club "gift" - the MucOff cleaning kit, and decided to give my bike a really good clean - wheels off - the works.

    Can't believe how incredible toe MucOff chain cleaner is - it just effortlessly blows away the grime leaving a sparkling factory-new chain & sprockets.

    Gave the rest a good clean, sprayed it down and now it looks like new!

    I find almost as much pleasure in taking care of my bike as I do in riding it!

    I give my bike a really good clean every time i use it. so never had any use for Muc Off.
    Colnago..............The name on the worlds finest bikes
  • father_jack
    father_jack Posts: 3,509
    I give my bike a really good clean every time i use it

    That's a bit too much OCD :roll: in the dry probably once a month.
    Say... That's a nice bike..
    Trax T700 with Lew Racing Pro VT-1 ;-)
  • desweller
    desweller Posts: 5,175
    I can't imagine getting home at 8pm after a 10 hour day and spending the next 30 to 60 minutes cleaning the thing down. It gets it maybe once a fortnight, so roughly 200 to 300 miles.

    To be honest I need anything more than really hot water to clean mine, apart from the chain - that goes in a jar of white spirit or diesel, a few shakes later and it comes out shiny and new.
    - - - - - - - - - -
    On Strava.{/url}
  • I put some of that special polish on mine when i got it new. The stuff they sell for £400 on new cars. Reckons i dont have to 'polish' again for 5yrs :-)

    I dont know how good or appropriate it is for road bikes but my bike hasnt been cleaned in a month and other than giving the chain a clean soon i just wipe the chainstays once or twice to keep it looking good
  • P_Tucker
    P_Tucker Posts: 1,878
    I give my bike a really good clean every time i use it

    That's a bit too much OCD :roll: in the dry probably once a month.

    Word. Due to the fine weather throughout April, I've yet to wash my race bike this year. This is, of course, a good thing.
  • father_jack
    father_jack Posts: 3,509
    Don't you take a bucket and sponge with you, stop every 200 yards and clean it?
    Say... That's a nice bike..
    Trax T700 with Lew Racing Pro VT-1 ;-)
  • -steves-
    -steves- Posts: 99
    I need to wash my road bike after yesterday and it pee'ing it down for the first half an hour or so, its nicely caked in crud. This will be its first wash since buying it at the end of January, its just not needed it before now, despite doing around 100 miles a week on it since new. :lol:

    If anyone has advice on what to use on the chain though that would be cool, ok, will start a new thread and ask :D
  • P_Tucker
    P_Tucker Posts: 1,878
    Don't you take a bucket and sponge with you, stop every 200 yards and clean it?

    I used to, but now I ride in a custom built surgically clean vacuum velodrome whilst wearing a NASA space suit. It's bloody uncomfortable, but at least my bike stays in showroom condition.

    Totally worth it.