20" road tyre sizing help!

othello Posts: 578
edited May 2011 in Workshop
A bit of an obscure one here, so I'm hoping the bikeradar forum can help me out :D

I've picked up a 1988 Peugeot 20" wheel junior road bike for my son off eBay. He has just started at a local cycling club on an outdoor track, and before I splash on an Isla I want to check he is really interested. The bike isn't in bad condition, just needs some TLC and for £25 is ideal. However it does need new tyres.

The wheels are 20" and the size on the tyre is 500 x 28A, which is 28-440. Ideally I want to put on something narrow that can be pumped up really hard (100psi) and it needs new inner tubes so I can find some prestas.

Do I have to find some 28-440 tyres, or can I fit something like a Schwalbe Stelvio, which comes in 20 x 1.1/8 - 28-451? Is the difference between 440 and 451 diameter small enough it doesn't matter or will it not work?

Any tips gratefully received!
Blogging about junior road bikes http://junior-road-bikes.tumblr.com


  • pete.whelan
    pete.whelan Posts: 788
    Unlikley to work. They will be too loose. If you did get them to go on and inflate, there is a risk they would blow off.
    Recipe: shave legs sparingly, rub in embrocation and drizzle with freshly squeezed baby oil.
  • othello
    othello Posts: 578
    Unlikley to work. They will be too loose. If you did get them to go on and inflate, there is a risk they would blow off.

    Thanks. So the key thing is matching the 440 I guess? Going to be tricky - not much out there at that size that can be inflated hard. 20" wheel racers at out of fashion!

    The wheels are the original steel rim ones. If could find somewhere that sold cheap alloy 20" then I could do new gyres at the same time. Though I expect they are as rare as hens teeth!
    Blogging about junior road bikes http://junior-road-bikes.tumblr.com