New jockey wheels ?

Lucky Luke
Posts: 402
When cycling gently and not putting any real pressure on te pedals I'm getting a high ptictched regular squeak from (i think) my rear gear jockey wheels . On the stand I've tried replicating and listening v. carefully to where it's coming from but can't quite pinpoint it . Would this noise be typical for a jockey wheel that needs replacing and how long should I expect them to last. ? Ultegra SL rear mech btw
Jockey wheels should last ages and ages (a good few years) - easy to see when they are worn because all the teeth round off and the chain will just slip on them.
If the teeth look ok then try popping them out - you can do this by either taking the chain off the bike completely then the side plates and the j/wheels or just take the chain off the sprockets to release the tension and then the side plates etc: bit more fiddly but well do-able.
Once they are off clean, grease, assemble, torque into place.
As they are only a few pounds a pair no biggie if they are shot.0