Cosmic Carbone owners - pumping tyres up!

Scrumple Posts: 2,665
edited April 2011 in Workshop
Cosmic Carbone owners - pumping tyres up!

Right - a very experienced LBS owner told me, as a new owner of deep section carbon wheels the shop had just had in to add a cassette...

that I wouldn't need valve extenders if I used 60mm valves.

Well, I have 60mm valves and got home tonight tofind my track pump wont go on anywhere near enough to pump them. All track pumps seem to be push fit, so are useless it seems. It looks like only a screw on hose would work, due to the small amount showing with a small bit of thread.

What do you do?! I'll be ringing the shop after easter to find out how to pump my tyres up. I have a hand pump with a hose, but can't be doing that all the time (and it has no gauge).

Help!? The shop clearly managed to get them pumped! Can't use my bike with two flats!


  • turnerjohn
    turnerjohn Posts: 1,069
    ha did the same with my Zipp 404's....60mm tubes and they only just poke out a add insult to injury I punctured 8miles from home and my valve extender literally exploded :shock: ....ended up riding back with a completely flat front....not great and even worse going round roundabouts !

    Valve extenders are the only way ....tho with 60mm tubes they dont need to be perminanety attached....that shop needs a good kickin tho lol
  • orbeaorca
    orbeaorca Posts: 246
    I have a set of Cosmic Carbones and use tubes with 60mm valves and I have no trouble pumping these up with track pump or mini pump.
  • Chrissz
    Chrissz Posts: 727
    I have Carbones with 60mm valve stems - no problem at all with a Jo Blow track pump or a Topeak double shot mini pump!
  • Lemond75
    Lemond75 Posts: 75
    I have no problems with mine either although my track pump has a lever to help clamp it onto the valve. I've not had the misfortune to puncture using the Cosmics yet and so can't comment on how well my CO2 inflator will attach, but I always carry the valve extender when out riding just in case.
  • brucey72
    brucey72 Posts: 1,086
    I have Cosmic Carbones and my track pump won't grip 60mm tubes either so now I buy 80mm ones.
  • Scrumple
    Scrumple Posts: 2,665
    yes yes - all well and good saying you have no problem!

    What track pumps do you use! No point posting if you don't add the detail.

    AND - can you pump the tube from flat with a track pump? I have read that they can be pumped with a track pump if partially inflated so the valve protrudes more...

    As for the LBS - the owner is an ex pro so he knows what he is talking about and uses them... Just it is now shut for a bit being Easter.

    I'd like to know how you get a track pump over enough to attach on a flat one. I have a Joe blow sprint and it aint happening! Seems odd some can and some can't - are we missing something?!
  • batch78
    batch78 Posts: 1,320
    Try pressing thumb onto outside of tyre pushing valve further out of rim whilst attaching pump, put a couple of pumps in to achieve some pressure then remove and reattach pump head.

    Have you adjusted the ring around the pump head aperture to insure a tight fit?
  • Chrissz
    Chrissz Posts: 727
    Scrumple wrote:

    What track pumps do you use! No point posting if you don't add the detail.

    Joe Blow Sport track pump.
    Scrumple wrote:
    AND - can you pump the tube from flat with a track pump?

    Yes. I'm using Hutchinson lights - was using Continentals - all inflate no problems from flat. Sometimes I need to get a couple of strokes in, re-attach the pump head and then go to full pressure, and I usually have to push the valve in from the tyre side to make it protrude enough for the pump head to grip.

    I also have Velo plugs instead of rim tape - provides a little more room in the tyre bed, makes the tyres slightly easier to fit and saves a couple of grammes :)
  • proto
    proto Posts: 1,483
    I can't get 60mm stems to work with my track pump. Easiest option is to purchase some Conti inner tubes with 80mm stems, saves mucking about with extensions and /or removable valve cores

    Dotbike show 'out of stock' but I've got some on order with them, should be in next week (fingers crossed!)