Just discovered the joys of cycling.

TomParker1 Posts: 35
edited May 2011 in Road beginners
In the last week or so, contrary to my previous viewpoint, i've discovered that cycling is infact very fun and i enjoy it a lot (although not brilliant at it - its a work in progress).

I've ridden a couple of 'hybrid' bikes which was fun but i had a go on a road bike and i couldn't believe it! So easy to get up to speed and, albeit a slightly uncomfortable experience at first, something i really want to do more of.

So, i've had an idea. I've been looking at old road bikes on ebay, and there seem to be a lot of old Peugeot bikes knocking about for what seems (though i await to be informed by you lot about this) a reasonable £120-150. They're listed as good rideable condition with small issues (chipped paint, one of them needs a new chain, one a new set of pedals and other similar minor things).

My master plan is to do one up with a bike crazy friend of mine and spend the summer cycling about the country side visiting pubs and enjoying the lovely Gloucestershire scenery.

Is this the best way to go about getting into road biking? Its the cheapest way i could realistically do it. This is the sort of bike i would be looking at;

http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Vintage-1980s-Peu ... 2562e76c0d

(also is 60cm a good height for me? I'm 6'3/6'4.)

Looking forward to hearing back from you!



  • TomParker1 wrote:

    Is this the best way to go about getting into road biking? Its the cheapest way i could realistically do it. This is the sort of bike i would be looking at;

    The bike in the link looks pretty shabby,although the bar tape was okay :wink:
    I think your bike adventures deserve a better start.
  • Thebigbee
    Thebigbee Posts: 570
    I had exactly the same mentality as you.

    Once you have a go on a half decent hybrid - if you have been pi55ing around for years on a mountain bike - but never actually going near a ditch, let alone a mountain - you realise what you have been missing out on.

    I am absolutely borasic but since the insurance company has forced my hand I have just bought a very well rated new bike - that will hold its value if I don't get on with it.

    That real "entry level" is £600. And at that price most online retailers will offer you interest free if you are eligble. Works out at £50 a month for a year?

    Alternatively if you can get around £5 - 600 in cash then you should be able to pick up a very well specced bike second hand that a few years ago would of cost at least double that.

    Bit like cars really.

    My advice is don't bugger about if you are serious about it. Unfortunately it is realistically gonna cost £400 +++++ to get into this sport reliably and .. legally!

    I'm speaking for myself only, but I would burn bike thieves on a stake - with them crucified on my bike and enjoy every piece of molten rubber that bubbled into their eyes.

    You won't get the pleasure riding round on that crap. "Doing it up" is a complete waste of time becasue once you have, and when you start you will be wanting more.

  • Phixion
    Phixion Posts: 81
    There are good deals to be had out there, I saw a Charge Juicer Hi (Full 105) go for £330:

    http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... NA:GB:1123

    Here's some I had on my watch list recently:

    http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... NA:GB:1123

    http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... NA:GB:1123
  • Peddle Up!
    Peddle Up! Posts: 2,040
    TomParker1 wrote:
    ... spend the summer cycling about the country side visiting pubs and enjoying the lovely Gloucestershire scenery.

    (also is 60cm a good height for me? I'm 6'3/6'4.)

    You'll enjoy that, it's a great cycling county for lanes, scenery and hills, but watch the pubs - road bikes (all bikes) need a competent rider.

    Depending on the make, it's a good place to start. I'm the same height as you and ride a 60cm Trek Madone which fits me very nicely.
    Purveyor of "up" :)
  • Thanks very much guys! I'm going to scour ebay for some bikes - i'll post them in here and ask for your opinions!

  • Thebigbee
    Thebigbee Posts: 570
    Hi just reread your OP,

    Regarding budget constraints - I picked up a Raleigh off Gumtree of the same vintage but in a lot better condition than that Pergeot with full Shimano 105 groupset and brakes off Gumtree for £65 and the guy delivered it.

    That was my first foray into a proper road bike and I was intending to turn it into a flat bar road bike.

    Unfortunately it didn't last long - 4 days to be precise as my garage got broken into and nicked it along with my regular ride - an old 21 speed Trek 600 mountain bike with slicks!

    Anyway - i suggest keeping an eye on your local Gumtree or if you use Ebay use a site like bidburglar to ensure you stick to your budget.

    Patience is the key - something will come up around your budget.
  • Thanks again for the advice, i'm not having much luck trudging gumtree/vivastreet classifieds for here (glos) or at uni (birmingham). I'll keep looking though!

  • chadders81
    chadders81 Posts: 744
    I got this for £83 and pretty pleased with it so far. Wheels are a bit out of true but going to get it fully serviced at the LBS this week. Needs new tyres as well.

    I think ebay bikes are well worth a punt but be prepared to spend a bit to get the fully roadworthy.
  • You will end up spending a fortune, trust me.

    Just wait :D
    "That's it! You people have stood in my way long enough. I'm going to clown college! " - Homer
  • Peddle Up!
    Peddle Up! Posts: 2,040
    You will end up spending a fortune, trust me.

    Just wait :D

    Indeed! :D
    Purveyor of "up" :)
  • derosa
    derosa Posts: 2,819
    You will end up spending a fortune, trust me.

    Just wait :D

    The expense of cycling follows on naturally from the joys of cycling - just as night follows day :lol:

    Big H

    May the road rise up to meet you.
    May the wind always be at your back.
  • RDW
    RDW Posts: 1,900
    TomParker1 wrote:
    So, i've had an idea. I've been looking at old road bikes on ebay, and there seem to be a lot of old Peugeot bikes knocking about for what seems (though i await to be informed by you lot about this) a reasonable £120-150. They're listed as good rideable condition with small issues (chipped paint, one of them needs a new chain, one a new set of pedals and other similar minor things)...This is the sort of bike i would be looking at;

    http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Vintage-1980s-Peu ... 2562e76c0d

    I have that bike, near enough (even down to the paint job). The Peugeot lugless frames look pretty nice and are popular with the fixie crowd:


    which tends to inflate the price - this would have been a £100 bike back in the early 80s. Despite the name, 'Carbolite 103' tubing is pretty heavy plain gauge stuff, though it rides well. Look around and you might find a higher end frame in 501 or 531. Some things about these bikes are decidely non-standard 3 decades later - e.g., they aren't compatible with modern seatposts. The model in the auction has chromed steel rims, which combined with the Weinmann side-pull brakes mean you'll need plenty of notice to stop in the wet! A more recent bike that takes modern components will be a lot less hassle, and needn't cost much more.
  • RDW
    RDW Posts: 1,900
    Thebigbee wrote:
    I picked up a Raleigh off Gumtree...and the guy delivered it...Unfortunately it didn't last long - 4 days to be precise as my garage got broken into and nicked it along with my regular ride - an old 21 speed Trek 600 mountain bike with slicks!

    I really hope these events aren't related!:

  • Peddle Up!
    Peddle Up! Posts: 2,040
    RDW wrote:
    Thebigbee wrote:
    I picked up a Raleigh off Gumtree...and the guy delivered it...Unfortunately it didn't last long - 4 days to be precise as my garage got broken into and nicked it along with my regular ride - an old 21 speed Trek 600 mountain bike with slicks!

    I really hope these events aren't related!:


    It reminds me why I don't use Gumtree. :(
    Purveyor of "up" :)
  • It's really hard to find decent cheap 58-60cm reasonably priced second hand road bikes!!!!
  • Dmak
    Dmak Posts: 445
    You will end up spending a fortune, trust me.

    Just wait :D

    It all adds up. Just found out my left foot is "special", something else that needs sorting and my dollar.
  • griffsters
    griffsters Posts: 490
    I dont think he was having a go fella - probably just thinking the same as I thought.

    Guy sells you a cheap bike - then delivers it in an apparent case of good will when in actual fact he is just casing up where you'll keep it, along with anything else you have. Ready for the return trip...
  • Thebigbee
    Thebigbee Posts: 570
    Griffsters wrote:
    I dont think he was having a go fella - probably just thinking the same as I thought.

    Guy sells you a cheap bike - then delivers it in an apparent case of good will when in actual fact he is just casing up where you'll keep it, along with anything else you have. Ready for the return trip...

    Griffsters, I appreciate what you have said. And i completely where you were all coming from. It definitely wasn't like that. The guy was into TT and I think the bike was just in his way.
    I could be hugely wrong and it was him that nicked it. I really don't think so. If it was £4-500 then I may not be as forgiving. But £65 - I am not sure but my neighbours are, unfortunately bigger suspects.

    Sorry if I have offended anyone - was not my intention. Happy cycling.
  • griffsters
    griffsters Posts: 490
    Its a crap world we live in where we have to think like this :(

    Given the rep Gumtree has tho its probably a reasonable thought process, although it would appear inaccurate in your case !
    APIII Posts: 2,010
    Thebigbee wrote:
    How the fark can you post over 11,000 messages on the internet?!!

    I posted 50 message is 2 weeks. How the HELL is it possible to post over 11,000 messages on the internet?


    I don't want to incure your wrath, but if you read some of Napoleon D's (admittedly numerous :wink: ) posts, you'll notice he does go out of his way to offer good advice to a lot of people. I think you two have just got off on the wrong foot...
  • Thebigbee
    Thebigbee Posts: 570
    APIII wrote:
    Thebigbee wrote:
    How the fark can you post over 11,000 messages on the internet?!!

    I posted 50 message is 2 weeks. How the HELL is it possible to post over 11,000 messages on the internet?


    I don't want to incure your wrath, but if you read some of Napoleon D's (admittedly numerous :wink: ) posts, you'll notice he does go out of his way to offer good advice to a lot of people. I think you two have just got off on the wrong foot...

    You may be right, sorry if i have annoyed anyone, that was not my intention.

    I have got the impression that certain people are being arsey - I may be wrong..

    Thanks guys.
  • RDW
    RDW Posts: 1,900
  • Thought i'd update this:

    I've got the Peugeot. I picked it up last night. Spent today pootling around campus on it inbetween revision sessions and rode it to and from my halls.

    What can i say? I'm in love. So good to be out on the road! However, a small question. Everything feels tight as a nut on it apart from the brakes.... they feel 'wooly' - i pull an NOTHING. The stopping distance is really quite enormous. Its like nothing, nothing nothing, then a sudden stop. Is this my nooby braking technique as well?

    What should i look at to rectify the problem? Get someone to have a look at it and have a tweak or new brakes altogether?

  • TomParker1
    TomParker1 Posts: 35
    Another update;

    New front wheel, new brake pads, new cables, two Panaracer RIbMos and a Brooks B17.

    Taken her for two 15 mile jaunts recently and use her to commute to campus. She's a beautiful rider, so fast compared to what she was. I've got the bug big time!

    I'm having problems with my front derailer - its just knocking the chain off when going into the highest ratio. Any ideas? Or should i take it to my bike shop?

  • boggybrn
    boggybrn Posts: 29
    The front derailleur should be easy to sort out.

    There will be a pair of screws that limit how far it travels in each direction. Figure out which one limits it from moving towards the outer chain ring, then screw this in 1/4 turn at a time and test to see if this stops the chain coming off.

    Glad to hear that you sorted the brakes - the combination of steel rims and sidepull calipers was never good. Throw in aged brake pads and it'll take a while to stop!
  • TomParker1
    TomParker1 Posts: 35
    A long time to stop was an understatement! It also developed the interesting issue of this;

    The front wheel had a dent on the rim, which got worse as i rode it. It bucked out about a centimetre for about an inch. It hit the brakes with each revolution and jolted the bike a bit. Under braking when it hit the dent the bike jumped horribly. Also turns out the front axle was snapped. The man in the shop (On your bike in Birmingham, can't reccomend them enough) was amazed it hadn't fallen apart under braking and caused a massive Chaplinesque accident!

    I'll have a look at the derailer later, thanks for the advice!
