Mavic Cosmic SL Rim

Terminator-X Posts: 37
edited April 2011 in Workshop
My mavic cosmic rim recently gave way. the braking surface was severly worn and the braking surface cracked out under the pressure of the tyre. The back wheel has shown little sign of wear and is still in good nick. My issue now is do i simply purchase a new front wheel or should i try and source a rim?? I have heard many people say i should get an open pro rim and transfer the carbon fairing onto it along with spokes and hub, is this even possible??


  • LangerDan
    LangerDan Posts: 6,132
    Whie the Open Pro rim is similar, I don't believe its exactly the same. IIRC, there is a more prominent shoulder machined above the brake track to support the fairing.
    See this (Its for the 2011 version, but the cross-section is the same)

    Compared to the section of the Open Pro

    According to Mavics tech website, they refer to the procedure for replacement of a Cosmic rim, so I presume it must be available. Unilikely to be cheap, though
    'This week I 'ave been mostly been climbing like Basso - Shirley Basso.'
  • Wulz
    Wulz Posts: 100
    What mileage have these rims done? Ive got the 2010 model and im just wondering how long till i need to soften up the other half before spending lots of pennies on wheels or a repair.

    I know riding styles and winter/summer use etc make a difference but it would be nice to have an idea.

