Out dirtjumping, then my bag was gone.

ThisIsMyFaceOfRage Posts: 40
edited March 2011 in MTB general
So I was out dirt jumping with a friend, then some chavs came, they seemed alright, just poor with no bad intentions, I do a run of jumps, come back and my bag is gone, it didn't have much in it, just 20 pound mini tool and a 10 pound pump, but I caught up with them and had a long chat, they had dumped the bag somewhere so I could fight them for it, and I need them to tell me where it was, I was on my own at this point with 5 of them and my roughly 1 grand bike, I kept asking for it and saying my 2 years of art GCSE was in it, (I don't even take art lol) but they would say, so I'm thinking of going back with a few friends and some cricket bats, take them by surprise, teach them a bit of a lesson, don't steal peoples things. I know it only seems I'm stooping to their level, but they police wont do anything and 30 pounds isnt easy for me to get.


  • ricardo_smooth
    ricardo_smooth Posts: 1,281
    Makes you no better than them. Grow up and report it. They'll only take you to court for gbh anyway.
  • RevellRider
    RevellRider Posts: 1,794
    Let this be a lesson to you, don't leave your shit unattended.
  • They don't know what court is, so I'll be okay for that side of it.
  • Buckled_Rims
    Buckled_Rims Posts: 1,648
    This is life, I'm afraid. It's been like this for thousands of years. The one consolation is that thieves really don't prosper. Nowadays, many have a life expectancy of 40 to 50 years old, after they start thieving it'll then be drugs and alcohol.

    Hit them with a bat and for that £30 you'll probably get 18 months inside. There goes any future jobs you might want.

    You'll be surprised how life isn't like the movies!
    Kona Jake the Snake
    Merlin Malt 4
  • This is life, I'm afraid. It's been like this for thousands of years. The one consolation is that thieves really don't prosper. Nowadays, many have a life expectancy of 40 to 50 years old, after they start thieving it'll then be drugs and alcohol.

    Hit them with a bat and for that £30 you'll probably get 18 months inside. There goes any future jobs you might want.

    You'll be surprised how life isn't like the movies!

    Thanks, I needed something like this to stop me doing something stupid
  • Why cant you just hit them with your fists?.. Kids always have fights :)
  • camy151
    camy151 Posts: 32
    The other issue you would have is that they will always know where to find you, so you will always need to ride the jumps mob handed, risk them getting trashed to piss you off, or move to a new set of jumps.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    They don't know what court is, so I'll be okay for that side of it.
    More likely they are very familiar with the courts when they go to pick up their ASBOs and community orders that do crap all.

    The only solution is castration. Stop them spawning more of the same.
  • gonga
    gonga Posts: 225
    I would probably just leave it and chaulk it up to being a little nieve with trusting others.
    But if it really bugs you then of coarse i would smack one or two of them but make sure your not ID'ed by any of them and leave it long enough so they don't cotton on it was you.
  • concorde
    concorde Posts: 1,008
    Why use a bat? Just take a few mates and give them a good hiding!
  • supafly1982
    supafly1982 Posts: 631
    dont leave a bag un attended, if you really feel you need to fight, ask the the ring leader for one on one hand to hand, no weapons eh? you will end up in a world of sh*t if you go down that road, you only get away with it if they dont know who you are, but you want them to know who you are so its not a possebility, best thing is just let it be a lesson to you, sucks i know but once bitten and and all that :wink:
  • pilsburypie
    pilsburypie Posts: 891
    Way of the world I'm afraid. Bet it makes them feel powerful and in charge. This sort of person needs this feeling as the only thing they are likely to be in charge of is a broom or a dog. They've probably just been beaten by their drunken father.

    Let them have your pump and multitool. You'll also be paying for their council house and benefits later in life as well.
  • schmako
    schmako Posts: 1,982
    Lesson 1: Keep all items on you at all times
    Lesson 2: Trust nobody, unless they're your friends or whatever (but especially chavs)
    Lesson 3: ????
    Lesson 4: Profit
  • Davie mac
    Davie mac Posts: 43
    these wee shits are cowards when confronted without there mates,just let it go,could almost bet one of them would be carrying a knife or some sort of weapon to impress fellow chavs.