Newbie (DHB) Bib Short Comfort Query

OhGod Posts: 3
edited March 2011 in Road beginners
As a quick disclaimer, parts of this post and/or thread discuss the issues of sweaty arses...if you're in the middle of eating you may wish to skip this thread!

Also, this post is a bit wordy...easy reader version; DHB bib shorts leave me with a sweaty, itchy arse, basic padded under shorts don't, but don't have enough padding...questions at the end...

Full version;

Picked up cycling again late last year in an effort to get fit. It quickly became clear that jeans and regular undies weren't cutting it comfort wise so I moved up to some DHB 'Earnly' padded under shorts, and some Gore 'Countdown' trousers. Both decent bits of kit that kept me warm and comfy for the miles I was doing each day.

Recently I've got to the point were I'm doing 10 - 15 miles each day, and the padding in the undies wasn't quite cutting it any more, leaving me with a sore/numb bum! So, decided to finally give in and get some Lycra bib shorts (to be worn under the Gore trousers as I really don't have that cyclist figure!).

As such, I've bought some DHB 'Finchdean' bib shorts. I did a few 4 mile or so test runs to make sure they felt OK and found the padding so much better, and it's got rid of the draughty back area between trousers and top. However, on the longer (for me!) 10+ mile runs I end up with an irritated and itchy bum by the ~6 mile point, and when I get home the chamois pad seems very damp. Really doesn't seem to be 'wicking' the sweat away well enough.

I shower straight away, but the next day I end up with itchy red spots which last for a couple of days. Is this 'saddle sores'? I had initially thought saddles sores was simply any pain/discomfort from being on a bike, but I've seen recently there's I'm guessing this is it?

The 'Finchdean' range is middle of the road for DHB, though I guess DHB is among the cheaper brands, but still surprised...especially as the basic under shorts don't give me these issues for the same miles. I've even tried wearing the bib shorts over the under shorts which does sort the issues, but I seem to get 'bunching' from this combination that causes it's own set of, pressure related, problems.

So, if you're still with me, to the questions;

Is this specific to Finchdean? Would the more expensive DHB shorts be any better?

Maybe specific to DHB? I saw one post from someone who said they didn't get on with the DHB chamois?

So maybe a different brand? Though could get expensive trying them all out, as I doubt anyone accepts returns for sweated in clothing!

Could this be a problem with wearing the Gore trousers over the top, not allowing the shorts to 'air out' while riding?

Anyone have any experience with non-padded under shorts that I could try under the bib shorts? Something to reduce the irritation, but without the 'bunching' from two layers of padding.

Or is this simply a case (if I'm getting this right) of MTFU!? :P

Thanks for reading! Any thoughts/suggestions greatly appreciated!



  • hopper1
    hopper1 Posts: 4,389
    I bought a pair of DHB shorts and didn't get on with them, either, though for different reasons...
    I didn't like the thin lycra used, the insert was ill fitting and the experience with them was unpleasant.
    I have no experience of the Gore trousers you are wearing, but think that yes, they may be stopping the shorts from venting your sweaty arse!
    I have Assos shorts and Shutt VR Pro Bibs, both very good, but poles apart when it comes to price comparrisons.
    Shutt VR also do a cheaper bib, just gone up in price to 39 squid, I think, but I have those for wearing on my turbo. Give them a look.
    I stronly recommend you to go for a ride without the Gore trousers, so they can be blamed/eliminated from this topic...
    Start with a budget, finish with a mortgage!
  • mattshrops
    mattshrops Posts: 1,134
    i would rate dhb as one of the better makes without even taking the value for money into account. i think as already suggested try em without the trousers, the other thing is give the butt a good wash BEFORE riding as well, keeps your pad clean(youve got to sit on it!)
    spotty/sweaty bum is not saddle sores- they are pretty serious.
    some people swear by chamois cream, i havent needed it yet. horses for courses.

    try each step one at a time, you might find a different brand suits your backdoor better?
    Death or Glory- Just another Story
  • colsoop
    colsoop Posts: 217
    I have both of those DHB items.
    The undershots have a very slim pad the finchdean are not bad at all.
    I don't have issues with either for causing a rash. I suspect it is the gore trousers stopping ventilation. I would give some sort of barrier cream a go.
    Chamois cream is good for adding a barrier put a dollop on to the chamois pad too.
    You could also try baby oil gel.
  • OhGod
    OhGod Posts: 3
    Looks like I need to find a warm day and try just the Lycra shorts! Oh dear.

    No one find it odd that the thinner/less padded, and cheaper, under shorts don't have this problem? I wear the same trousers over the top, and do the same distance without any sweat issues. Would have thought having more padding on the bib shorts would have allowed them to keep the sweat away from my skin better.
  • Im Bald Ok
    Im Bald Ok Posts: 146
    I find that the DHB brand to be good quality and value for money. I have a pair of roubaix fabric bib tights and have no problem. I also have the under shorts and have no problem with them on the turbo.
    I would strongly suggest wearing your bib tights without anything over the top of them. The under shorts are supposed to have something over the top of them, which is probably why you don't have the same sweating problem with them.
    The bib shorts are not designed to have heavy trousers over the top which is possibly why they're not performing like you expect.

    Who cares if you don't have the 'cyclist body'?