campag Zonda or fulcrum 3 advice needed

robd75 Posts: 147
edited March 2011 in Road buying advice
Hi There,
Looking for a new wheelset for racing and club runs and my budget is about £350.
I currently run fulcrum racing 7's and want an upgrade.
Has anyone tried both of these or is there something better for my budget that I am missing?
Any advice welcome
ps I'm quite a heavy rider
And I dont want planet x model b's


  • wildmoustache
    wildmoustache Posts: 4,010
    Model Bs.

    Are you running Campagnolo?

    If so, then either of your suggestions is perfect. If you can stretch to it, then get the neutron ultras.
  • robd75
    robd75 Posts: 147
    Yep I',m running Campag and they're for my Wilier.
    Unfortunately I can't stretch much if any past £350
  • wildmoustache
    wildmoustache Posts: 4,010
    I'd get the best deal possible on either Zondas or 3s in that case. Both are really nice, and in some respects nicer than their more expensive brothers, the Eurus and F1s.

    Think P-X were blowing out R3s a while back.

    You can't go wrong with either of these.
  • on-yer-bike
    on-yer-bike Posts: 2,974
    I'd get the best deal possible on either Zondas or 3s in that case. Both are really nice, and in some respects nicer than their more expensive brothers, the Eurus and F1s.

    Think P-X were blowing out R3s a while back.

    You can't go wrong with either of these.
    In what ways are they nicer?

    Ordinary Neutrons are also worth considering.
  • bigbelly
    bigbelly Posts: 83
    I too am looking for Fulcrum 3's or Campag Zondas.

    I also had Easton EA70 and Mavic Ksyrium on my shortlist... interested to know the opinions on all the above, but right as of now I am leaning towards the Zondas :lol:
    shame the rider doesn't match the bike...
  • wicked
    wicked Posts: 844
    I'd get the best deal possible on either Zondas or 3s in that case. Both are really nice, and in some respects nicer than their more expensive brothers, the Eurus and F1s.

    Think P-X were blowing out R3s a while back.

    You can't go wrong with either of these.
    In what ways are they nicer?

    Ordinary Neutrons are also worth considering.

    Smoother. Its the steel spokes.
    I too would go with the neutrons.
    It’s the most beautiful sport in the world but it’s governed by ***ts who have turned it into a crock of ****.
  • Pick my Zondas up next week, I also looked at R3s and it came down to nothing else other than I think the Zondas will look better on my bike 8) . Probably doesn't help you much but felt the need to tell someone who may appreciate my purchase more than the Mrs :lol:
  • robd75
    robd75 Posts: 147
    I think I'm leaning towards the Zonda's. I have looked at the neutrons but don't think that they offer more thantheZonda's and don't look as nice. Maybe I'm missing something?
  • rc856
    rc856 Posts: 1,144
    I've been using the same set of Zondas for getting on 7years now. Still true and running great. They've taken me up and down the main cols in the Alps.
    I'm, on average, 76-78kgs.
  • thegreatdivide
    thegreatdivide Posts: 5,807
    R3's look great on my Izoard. I love them.
  • wildmoustache
    wildmoustache Posts: 4,010
    wicked wrote:
    I'd get the best deal possible on either Zondas or 3s in that case. Both are really nice, and in some respects nicer than their more expensive brothers, the Eurus and F1s.

    Think P-X were blowing out R3s a while back.

    You can't go wrong with either of these.
    In what ways are they nicer?

    Ordinary Neutrons are also worth considering.

    Smoother. Its the steel spokes.
    I too would go with the neutrons.

    Exactly. Same goes for Scirroccos. Smooth.

    Possible that stiffness suffers slightly as a result though I don't have any data on this before someone asks. And steel spokes tend to give a springier feel that compensates.

    Having owned and ridden piles of these wheels I'd definitely rate steel spokes as providing a more comfortable ride than alu, though it's not the only factor of course.