ABUSIVE PM's from "cyclists" or, perhaps, boy with

Posts: 232
Dear Admin can you please sort out this Sodfoster guy - see PM below. I would suggest it is not what Bikeradar would want to condone. If it is acceptable to abuse fellow cyclists via your forum like this then that is fine, I will find him in the streets of Glasgow for a wee chat.
What you see below is a response to me asking him to stop harassing me. We had a wee tiff but he needs to just get off my screen.
BikeRadar Forum Index
Inbox :: Message
From: Sodfoster
To: The Gordini
Posted: Wed Feb 9, 2011 4:15 pm
Subject: Re: Kona
Ah right so me replying to your messages is me harassing you? Rrrriiiiggghhhhtttttttttttt!!!
What a knob you seriously are!
Dawes Tamark DX (RIP)
Cube Acid
What you see below is a response to me asking him to stop harassing me. We had a wee tiff but he needs to just get off my screen.
BikeRadar Forum Index
Inbox :: Message
From: Sodfoster
To: The Gordini
Posted: Wed Feb 9, 2011 4:15 pm
Subject: Re: Kona
Ah right so me replying to your messages is me harassing you? Rrrriiiiggghhhhtttttttttttt!!!
What a knob you seriously are!
Dawes Tamark DX (RIP)
Cube Acid