Music on? or Off?



  • wordnumb
    wordnumb Posts: 847
    bfreeman0 wrote:
    I can't remember where I heard this but apparently if you block out your ears, you also decrease your area of vision, which I have also learned with experience.

    If only neurology were so simplistic as cause and effect.
    Atz wrote:
    Plus there's the times when you're behind someone with headphones on who is riding slowly but you can't pass and they can't hear you asking them to let you past.

    It's not difficult to check behind occasionally. Saying that, I tend to ride faster with music on anyway.

    Thing is, there are people who ride obnoxiously or putting themself at risk and there are riders that don't. I don't see that headphones are a big factor because some people are oblivious to the world even without distractions, some people think faster and are more aware with their brain stimulated by a little Napalm Death.
  • wordnumb
    wordnumb Posts: 847
    The whole point of cycling for me is to get away from the man made and enjoy nature so music is a definite no-no even on the (infrequent) ride to work.

    Your bike grew on a tree then did it?

  • wordnumb wrote:
    The whole point of cycling for me is to get away from the man made and enjoy nature so music is a definite no-no even on the (infrequent) ride to work.

    Your bike grew on a tree then did it?


  • bentes
    bentes Posts: 286
    I tried riding with music a couple of times, but although I think I rode faster (due to the rithm of the music), I found out that I was finishing a ride phisically and mentally tired, (usually it's just physically). Since for me riding is all about getting a timeout of a stress inducing job, I gave up on the music.

    Also, if the volume is low enough so you can hear your surroundings, you can't hear any music at all because of the noise wind makes passing throught the headphones. If the volume is high enough so you can hear the music, you can't hear that dog chasing you (and I'm paranoid about that...).

    No music = safer, more relaxing ride. :)
  • whyamihere
    whyamihere Posts: 7,713
    When riding to uni or going along the canal towpath into town, MP3 player firmly on, because it's boring.
    When mountain biking on proper trails, off. Don't need it, the trail's interesting enough.
    When on my road bike, sometimes on, sometimes off. Generally off if I'm just out for a ride, on if I'm doing interval training or something (distracts me from the pain). I have it quiet enough that I can still hear loud engines, and these tend to be the only ones I worry about anyway (WVM, lorries, boy racers).
  • t0pc4t
    t0pc4t Posts: 947
    Personally I don't find it adds anything to the experience so I don't bother.
    Whether you're a king or a little street sweeper, sooner or later you'll dance with the reaper.

    Cube Curve 2009
    Giant Anthem X4

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    If the ride is boring enough to require music, I wonder why you'd ride at all (though I don't use a bike as transport to get from A to B, but if I did I wouldn't be in the MTB forum discussing it anyway ;) ).

    It's like going to a gym. I just can't stand it. If I want to exercise I'll go out and find some trails, have some fun. Not cycle away for hours in a hot sweaty gym picking up other people's germs and having to listen to music to relieve the boredom. Hate gyms.
  • I never ride with headphones in, I also prefer to just hear nature whilst hitting the trails, whatever that might be. I couldn't imagine listening to music whilst out on the road either, I'm far too paranoid!
    Specialized FSR XC Expert 2010
  • bfreeman0
    bfreeman0 Posts: 119
    Well I'm going on a ride tomorrow, so no music on as I'm going it alone (of course notified family and got phone for safety). Be riding to Chicksands and back, won't go to the bike park as I have no money at the moment, plus I need to get some more protective gear, such as a less dented and used helmet.
    Going to plan my route now, to make it more interesting :)
  • IDave
    IDave Posts: 223
    I love riding with music, it adds a soundtrack to your day out.

    Some banging Electro House music can really help you push harder on those tough climbs and makes the downhill stretches even more exciting.
  • schmako
    schmako Posts: 1,982
    Solo: Pretty much all the time. Nothing better than an epic ride and some epic albums.
    Group: nah, unsociable I guess.