Dawes Duet Tandem BB size

izthewiz Posts: 154
edited December 2010 in Workshop
I'm building up a Dawes Duet Tandem frame from scratch - any idea what both BB axle sizes should be if I'm using a square taper or splined BB?
The only bad view from the saddle is of the point of impact rising rapidly to meet you.


  • Monty Dog
    Monty Dog Posts: 20,614
    Most tandems use 73mm BB shell width. Length / type of spindle will be dictated by the model of cranks you are fitting. Can't be any more accurate without further information.
    Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..
  • izthewiz
    izthewiz Posts: 154
    No more info unfortunately, but thanks for that nugget.
    The only bad view from the saddle is of the point of impact rising rapidly to meet you.