Which ride would be more beneficial - fitness-wise?

Johnny Napalm
Johnny Napalm Posts: 1,458
edited November 2010 in MTB general
For arguments sake, you have a 25 mile route -

Would it be beneficial to have two consecutive rides of 25 miles per day, Sat & Sun? Or, would it be better to have one ride of 50 miles (two circuits) on just one of the days?

I'd have thought that having two lots of exercise would be more beneficial? Maybe you would put more effort into two individual rides than one?

Not sure!
SS Inbred
Mongoose Teocali Super


  • deal
    deal Posts: 857

    I'd have thought that having two lots of exercise would be more beneficial? Maybe you would put more effort into two individual rides than one?

  • Thats a really good question you know. Hard to answer because how much effort i put in doesnt really depend on how long the ride is only, tons of things influence it.

    For me though, i think i would probably go with two consecutive rides because then it becomes more regular than a one off thing.
  • I don't get it ....would you exercise on weekends only ??? :?
    Specialized Tarmac Sworks
    Canyon Spectral 8.9
  • I don't get it ....would you exercise on weekends only ???

    Well, for some people, yes! Some individuals do not get the time/chance to be out every day etc. due to family/work commitments, but that's not the topic.

    It doesn't have to be just two days at the weekend, that was just an example.
    SS Inbred
    Mongoose Teocali Super
  • Devastazione
    Devastazione Posts: 280
    edited November 2010
    I don't get it ....would you exercise on weekends only ???

    Well, for some people, yes! Some individuals do not get the time/chance to be out every day etc. due to family/work commitments, but that's not the topic.

    It doesn't have to be just two days at the weekend, that was just an example.

    Ok get it now.

    Well,what I would try to do is at least go out 3 times a week and put down 10/15 miles each time instead of 25,while slowly increasing mileage over weeks/months when you'll feel your legs ready. If you can squeeze in a saturday session with 25/30 miles then it would be great. Unfortunately 2 days in a row per week would'nt do very much. It's better to focus on quality rather than quantity IMHO.
    Specialized Tarmac Sworks
    Canyon Spectral 8.9
  • nwmlarge
    nwmlarge Posts: 778
    i would do two 25 mile bike rides
    assuming it is fitness you intend on improving and not just stamina
  • meesterbond
    meesterbond Posts: 1,240
    Surely it depends what you're trying to achieve...

    If you're training for a 12 hour Enduro, then you'd want a longer ride in there as part of the training. If it's just for fitness then you'd probably get more out of 2x25, but as mentioned it depends on lots of other factors...
  • More regular is better, but if you only have this option I'd say mix it up. One week do 2x25 next do 1x50. Change stops your body becoming accustomed to the training.
  • i agree with the mix and match. Too much of the same thing would get your body used to it.

    If you really want to mix it up then split the two rides to 12.5 miles. Half timed, half pushing the gears up so you have more resistence and will be working CV system and muscles differently.

    you could also try that running thing, Fartlek I think it is where you do high pace and steady alternately throughout the ride.

    Also what are you riding on? For fitness I often do the local blue route as it is just paths with no obsticles. That means i can concentrate totally on pedelling and nothing else. I
  • Steve_b77
    Steve_b77 Posts: 1,680
    one 50 mile ride at a higher average speed / work load will be better than two shorter rides at a lower work load.

    Conversely if you can get in one 25 fast ride and then say a 35 mile more leisurely ride you will improve both your power output and endurance.

    It;s too simple a question to ask in all honesty
  • DCR00
    DCR00 Posts: 2,160
    Neither is “better” really

    Any training plan would incorporate both distances, but to achieve different things

    I don't do any cycle specific training as such, just commute 20 miles 2-3 times per week, but when running i tend to do two to three 5km runs during the week at a relatively high pace, then try and do one longer run, 10km +, at the weekend to work on endurance, which will prob be at a lower pace

    Same principal applies to the cycling.
  • Thanks for all the input.

    I ride longer rides sometimes, and sometimes I ride shorter, more intense rides. I also do the alternating 'steady pace/high pace' riding too.

    I also ride different bikes, some rides it'll be a singlespeed, other rides it'll either be the 2x9 HT or the full-suss, so I am trying to mix things up a lot, because my body does seem to adjust to routines pretty quickly...unfortunately.
    It;s too simple a question to ask in all honesty

    Well, is it? Judging by the responses, it appears that even if it's a simple question, the answer may not be that simple. I know it's all relative, but I wanted to see what people thought, and what their experiences are.
    SS Inbred
    Mongoose Teocali Super
  • bennett_346
    bennett_346 Posts: 5,029
    Time to recover in between the two rides might be advantageous, if thats how its spelt. Minimise muscular tissue damage and promote healing time and allow for the growth of muscle via rehydration and rest.
  • you could mix it up exercise wise as well. Bit of resistence work and core exercises like pull ups and press ups wil help core strength and stamina.

    If you are limited to when you can cycle you could also get out and run a bit. When I was running I noticed a big benefit on my cycling.
  • Yeah, I always do press-ups and pull-ups, and even some basic weights too, but the running is something that I haven't tried for a couple of years due to recurring knee injuries. I'm actually thinking of trying to ease back into it, but the ol' knees might have a different idea.

    I'd love to get out more on the bike, but I travel regularly with work, so spending time with my family is important to me too.

    Some very good suggestions on here, which are very much appreciated.
    SS Inbred
    Mongoose Teocali Super
  • seen anyone about the knee? A friend of mine had real problems until he saw a decent doctor who sorted him out with tape on the knees that shifted muscles et al back to where they should be.
    If knees are bad then swim?