Trail etiquette



  • cooldad wrote:
    iI mean I have just stopped to adjust my post before for DH, and had people go by that I'd over taken on the climbs and they can see I'm literally just taking my post down. then proceed to go very slow. In these cases i can be a bit of a white van bike rider :S

    Yup just like a white van driver - overtake then slow down to turn off. So now people have to wait while you adjust your bike - all the while using their ESP to decide if you are going to have a quick bite to eat and siesta as well?

    True but the upside to this is, i get to watch them take a steep decent with there seat as i high as possible as they didn't want to stop to prove a point. Really funny when there picking there way down terrified for there safety, and trust me this is what i see.

    And yup i thought you lads with love that comment :p
  • Its a bit like going swimming in a public pool.
    If you want a decent swim and do a few lengths you have to go at a quet time or get stuck behind some slow person in a world of their own.
    Trail centres are busy at weekends so more chance of this happening
  • I have no issues with slow riders I always say take your time no rush and keep my distance so I dont spook them.

    But at Afan last weekend there were loads of groups just stopped on the trail and some even just left their bikes blocking the trail while they sat to one side. But one group of three at the stream crossing blocked the bridge while they looked at their head cam footage. One guy was already waiting for them to move and we both had to ask at least 3 times before they looked up and moved. Why not just step to one side and view your head cam footage? You were clearly experienced riders, I can excuse the group of youngsters I met later who were sat on the side and left their bikes blocking the trail they just didnt know any better I guess.

    Off tomorrow to Afan, guess there wont be too many out in this weather so should get a free run :-)
  • welshkev
    welshkev Posts: 9,690
    I have no issues with slow riders I always say take your time no rush and keep my distance so I dont spook them.

    But at Afan last weekend there were loads of groups just stopped on the trail and some even just left their bikes blocking the trail while they sat to one side. But one group of three at the stream crossing blocked the bridge while they looked at their head cam footage. One guy was already waiting for them to move and we both had to ask at least 3 times before they looked up and moved. Why not just step to one side and view your head cam footage? You were clearly experienced riders, I can excuse the group of youngsters I met later who were sat on the side and left their bikes blocking the trail they just didnt know any better I guess.

    Off tomorrow to Afan, guess there wont be too many out in this weather so should get a free run :-)

    i know what you mean. at cwmcarn last week my mate (silversladey) had a crash. after i made sure he was ok the first thing i did was move both our bikes off the trail so that no one would come down and have to swerve to avoid them and crash/be peed off! (*sladey was already in a bush off the trail so i didn't have to move him :lol: )