expensive bike



  • El Capitano
    El Capitano Posts: 6,401
    njee20 wrote:
    Why am I a bad salesman? Because someone comes in and wants an S-Works hardtail with full XX for riding on a canal path, should I say "I'm sorry sir, that's not hardcore enough, you should just buy a Hardrock. Infact, as you've not provided a training diary and evidence of how much you'll use it you should go to Halfords."

    I just sprayed my drink all over the keyboard laughing.

    Well done. :lol:
  • cooldad
    cooldad Posts: 32,599
    Will Snow wrote:
    blister pus

    youd be a bloody terrible salesman. You really would. I work in a phone shop and i get people coming in to buy an iphone (£300 - £600) just to check facebook on. Should I tell them to get lost? Fool.

    There are different types of sales. In my business if I sold the most expensive to every sucker I'd make a quick buck, but we rely on annual sales, so need to get best price on most suitable product, then we have an income stream for years.
    I don't do smileys.

    There is no secret ingredient - Kung Fu Panda

    London Calling on Facebook

  • El Capitano
    El Capitano Posts: 6,401
    I dont understand why this thread is still going!

    Because everyone's trying to justify spending £thousands on their bikes... :D
  • I spent thousands, cos this year i ahve been overtaken on my local loop twice. so i figure i'm fast enough to own what i want :p ven though I'm poor lol
  • njee20
    njee20 Posts: 9,613
    I've not been overtaken at all this year, so I'm obviously even more entitled to spend more!
    A good sales man tries to guide you to something that will do the job you want it for the best, while hoping to sell the most expensive version of that for his commision this is the way good business reputations are established

    I was never on commission, so didn't care about that, but what is the best bike for bimbling along tow paths? Like I said, a £5000 bike is still better, no matter how you spin it.
    There are different types of sales. In my business if I sold the most expensive to every sucker I'd make a quick buck, but we rely on annual sales, so need to get best price on most suitable product, then we have an income stream for years

    Well retail isn't like that, if a customer comes in waving cash and wanting to buy, you don't sell them an inferior product. Biggest annual sales = most expensive bikes sold, it's quite basic economics really.
  • capoz77
    capoz77 Posts: 503
    Mister bond NAIL ON HEAD.

    My life is complete now i have my expensive whip. Sometimes in life you have to treat yourself. Lifes to short to own a Gary glitter and get jealous of others bike rage
  • capoz77
    capoz77 Posts: 503
    Oh and to add bikes arent expensive!

    3k over two years on credit card interest free is peanuts a month. People can spend that sort of money on a night out.

    People think nothing of spending 300 a month off car finance.

    If your passion is bikes stick it on the credit card and be happy
  • Hats off to the OP, assuming he was simply trolling, he certainly hit the mother lode when he started this thread.


    I'm not sure about some of the things being said are entirely valid. The "you should ride x until you get the skills" sounds a bit draconian. Freedom of choice is an awesome thing, lets try and keep things in perspective.

    If someone hits the trails more often then not they are more interested in riding then posing regardless of their level of skill.

    If they want to ride x and can afford it, that's their choice not someone else's

    I, like most of you, ride pretty much every chance I get. Can you seriously remember the last time you were bothered by what someone else was riding or how they were riding?

    The troll has left the building.... and if he hasn't, communism is that way ---->

    If you can justify it and can afford it you should do it. :)
  • Actually last time i got annoyed, was a lad riding a yeti.

    Claimed he used to do downhill and that was why he was unfit, But when we went down he was miles behind picking his way down trails. Most frustrating cos damn i used to love Yeti's but he put me right off lol.
  • saprkzz
    saprkzz Posts: 592
    great post... :lol::lol:

    I have spent just over £12k this year on my mtb hobby...

    am i pro?.. NOPE..

    am i the quickest?.. NOPE

    Do i care... NOPE!! :)

  • saprkzz wrote:
    great post... :lol::lol:

    I have spent just over £12k this year on my mtb hobby...

    am i pro?.. NOPE..

    am i the quickest?.. NOPE

    Do i care... NOPE!! :)


    12k what did you buy this year :shock: [/b]
    it is hard to soar like an eagle when you are surrounded by turkeys
  • Wow. Great thread.

    u05harrisb puts the first post on...lights the blue touch paper and retires!

    6 pages later...
  • tis the sh1ttest most irrelevant post i have ever read...
  • yep indeed retires :D i think you guys have read a little too far into what i posted, i dont think anybody with expensive bikes are rubbish riders i was mearly commenting on the fact that there are riders in my area that i pass and see on a regular basis riding expensive bikes however dont seem to ever ride that fast or know how to change a tyre and tube.

    for example there is one guy i know resonable well who has a 6 inch travel yeti full sus bike and i pass him on my regular route nearly every week, every time we pass in different sections of trail so its not just down to him powering up a hill and needing a rest, quite often i see him and he needs a hand changing his tubes and doesnt have a tube and then needs me to change it for him, it happened so often the i recomended stans so he gets less punctures dispite this he asked me for a hand to take his tubless ust tyre off, why would you need to?! "put it on the wrong way round" he says :D

    in conclusion im commenting on the fact that i see several riders on expensive bikes that can not ride well or fast or fo long, just a little rant because he kept me up for ages to help fix and sort out his bike because he didnt before he went out!

    I think expensive bikes are great, i would kill for a XC yeti with no questions!

    credit where credit is due, this is the biggest post ive seen that has been started by a rather large rant :D good job guys!
  • njee20
    njee20 Posts: 9,613
    So it was all based on one guy who can't change tyres?!
  • well there are others too who follow by his example however the main reason for posting is because of the said biker because its just quite irritating
  • Cost of a bike doesn't have anything to do with some ones skill or ability to repair a bike. Believ me I know... as there are many things I can't fix without help on my own bikes!

    Have you ever considered that this fella doesn;t need to know how to change a tyre to ride a bike well? As for you over taking him... it's hard, but don;t make assumptions.... he may just potter around on his XC bike (as I do)... but be a demon on a DH bike or BMX, or Dirt bike etc!

    I know it can be hard, but for example, I was riding at Llantrisant a few weeks back and a fella on a nice Lapierre XC rode past us as we walked up to ride the DH... he got down that track smoother than any of the DH'ers there... turns out he races DH... he was just out for a potter!
    Think I need a bigger Garage.
  • Come on Y'all...... lets give Mr u05harrisb a little break and a bit of credit for coming back tail between legs. He had a rant, whatever the motive, and then had to sit back in horror as six pages tore him up for a55hole paper! :lol:

    So, u05harrisb redeem yourself, work hard, save up and buy a bike that is far better than your skill set like the rest of us have!

    Ps, was a daft thing to post on a forum where the majority love spending money on their trusty steeds and will never use them to the max - unless you are called Mr Peat. :wink:
  • Briggo
    Briggo Posts: 3,537
    u05harrisb wrote:
    in conclusion im a jealous tard

    Finally you admit it. :wink:
  • Apart from the fact that I can't afford a super expensive rig, I don't want to feel like a pratt when someone passes me on a bike costing a fraction of the price.
    Specialized Langster
    Specialized Enduro Expert
    Specialized Rockhopper

    This season I will be mainly riding a Specialized
  • Wow a lot of snobbery and jealousy going about.

    I cycle for my pleaure and my pleasure only on a bike that's affordable to me.
    If I could afford a very expensive bike I would not buy it because it would probably be in the wrong hands.
    For those guys that can afford the best bikes good on them it's their money and and I'm sure they worked hard for it.
    Each to their own.

    It's not everybody who wants to race.
    Have you also considered that the guy might have just been recovering from an ilness or accident or might have just been out for an easy jaunt.
    All cyclists are in the same club as me. expensive bike , cheap bike , experienced , novice. It doesn't matter as long as you are out there enjoying it.

    And to the Jealous guy olympic standard super racer cyclist extrodinaire with the £150.00 bike.
    I'm wondering are your balls as big as your ego.
  • capoz77
    capoz77 Posts: 503
    langster wrote:
    Apart from the fact that I can't afford a super expensive rig, I don't want to feel like a pratt when someone passes me on a bike costing a fraction of the price.

    Get a grip. If Im riding a 5 k downhill monster and you pass me on your 100 quid Gary glitter why would i think anything? Im out to enjoy my ride not worry what some spotty noob thinks of my riding speed. Your out to enjoy your ride get on with it
  • Look at my signature,you'll see 2 bikes wich the combined value can get you a very decent car.
    Yes I do use them for their intended use and if they get scratched I'm actually more happy because it means I'm using them.
    Yes I could have spent half as much but I can afford those bikes and I do enjoy looking at them besides riding them. I'm a lone rider too,so no need to impress anyone.
    I feel sorry for those that sometimes call me a showoff just because of the price tag of my bikes,they completely missed the point..... :roll:
    Specialized Tarmac Sworks
    Canyon Spectral 8.9
  • I've got a £3k bike and for my salary and mortgage, life and wife, that's a lot!

    Am I any good? I can get around and I enjoy myself, but the really important thing to me is that I also enjoy building up a bike to a spec that I want and feel good about.
  • dubcat
    dubcat Posts: 754
    If i was riding very expensive bike and someone overtook me on my local loop i would either

    - not give a toss as im not racing on my local loop
    - thank god i have the bike i have as on a heavier cheaper bike I would be taken even harder

    This thread made me lol :). Amazing how emotional some of you are.
    2010 Specialized Rockhopper
    2012 Bianchi Infinito
  • andyrm
    andyrm Posts: 550
    My old man just bought a Ducati 996. He's 60, not bad on a motorbike but no hero so by the OP's logic shouldn't be allowed it. But there are 3 very good reasons for owning said beast: owning it makes him happy, it rides well and he can afford it.

    If someone's bike choice hits those 3 criteria, then they have bought the right bike for them.

    Right, I'm off for a gentle cycle track ride on my £4k Bionicon with my mrs on her £2k Trek. We fancied a nice ride together rather than our usual respective club rides. Hope nobody minds that £6k of full suss bikes are on gravel trails. Apologies in advance for wanting some time together on our bikes where we can talk and go at a leisurely pace.... :wink:
  • schmako
    schmako Posts: 1,982
    I work hard for cash, I therefore can spend whatever I earn on whatever the hell I want? Oh and don't worry I don't fall under the 'all the gear no idea'.
  • warm18
    warm18 Posts: 341
    do you know what really annoys me....people who work hard and decide to spend their money on things they want.

    we all started somewhere and perhaps they dont have to get budget bikes at the start of their biking lives.