Ground anchor project with pragmasis 16mm



  • Pragma
    Pragma Posts: 12
    nicklouse wrote:
    i would still lock 3 bikes separately. 3 locks/chains to defeat to get 3 bikes rather than 1 to beat to get 3.

    I agree that the more independent chains and locks, the better, but it does get expensive and can get awkward to use.
    nicklouse wrote:
    Also as I always say IF they know about it and want it they WILL have it.

    I have to say I don't generally agree with this. If they know about it and if they want it and if they've got the right tools and if they've got the time and if they don't get disturbed or nicked in the process, they will have it. That is a lot of ifs, providing you've got appropriate security. If you haven't got appropriate security then the number of ifs effectively dwindles quite rapidly as the 'tools' and 'time' aspects can become insignificant. E.g. if you use only a cable lock, you are somewhat asking for it, I'm afraid.
    nicklouse wrote:
    I know of a MC that was removed from an alarmed locked garage and was ground locked to the floor in front of a locked alarmed car.

    the MC was basically lifted over the car and out of the garage door.

    Yes, we have a friend who also believed that basically pinning a motorbike inside the garage at the front of the car was good security. They lifted the bike and dragged it across the roof of the car. They stole the bike and wrote off the car in the process.
    nicklouse wrote:
    So whatever you do look to see that it complies with your current insurance.

    Insurance is the backstop, but our philosophy is that by taking some responsibiity for protecting your stuff, you can hopefully avoid having to go through the insurance claim process anything like as often, and avoid the premium hikes that are likely to go with it. Another philosophy is just to have stuff that noone wants to nick, but I think it's a shame when the scrotes end up ruling your life to that extent.


    Pragmasis Limited
    01827 286267
  • nicklouse
    nicklouse Posts: 50,675
    Steve, sure but if you have not dotted the Is and crossed the Ts then the insurance will say sorry.

    If you can afford to replace it fine. if you can not then.....
    "Do not follow where the path may lead, Go instead where there is no path, and Leave a Trail."
    Parktools :?:SheldonBrown