Winter Vs Wet

joshtp Posts: 3,966
edited November 2010 in MTB general
Wet riding is unpleasant. It usually happens in the summer, when you want it to be dry. It's cold, muddy and usually a bit miserable.

For this reason I had convinced myself that today's local ride would be horrible... I was definitely low on enthusiasm as I left the house.

But How wrong I was!!! Because, you see, today was the first Winter ride of the year! It's pretty much Winter now, and it's been wet for ages, so after 5 mins you forget the rain and mud, it's inevitable, After 10 mins, you realise the rain and mud make everything slippery and the mud makes it hard to see. After 15 mins you realise how stupid you look, how muddy your but is and how stupid this whole activity is.

Just a fraction of a second later, a huge smile breaks out and you start laughing. Wet, muddy, no grip, slow at times, crashing all the time and generally mucking around make Winter riding the most fun thing ever!

A nice hot shower, and a large Pizza/bowl of pasta post ride is all it takes to top it off.

I like bikes and stuff


  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    I love that feeling, it usually takes about 30 minutes or so to kick in... where you're just so god damned wet and/or muddy, that it becomes hysterically funny!
    After that, everything is just a laugh.
  • joshtp
    joshtp Posts: 3,966
    I love that feeling, it usually takes about 30 minutes or so to kick in... where you're just so god damned wet and/or muddy, that it becomes hysterically funny!
    After that, everything is just a laugh.

    I like bikes and stuff
  • 'tis the time of year. I usually start out trying to avoid the puddles and invariably end up caked. Must get real, accept the inevitable and gunge myself from the outset and indulge in the sludge. After all, it is the mud riding (from last winter) that has kept me upright on sand all summer. always so much to learn, so little time and patience...
  • joshtp
    joshtp Posts: 3,966
    Yeah... that's another plus... mega skill's builder is sloppy mud!
    I like bikes and stuff
  • This is by far the best time of year to ride.

    Its cold. So when you get hot, you're not boiling. It also makes you work harder to warm up.
    Its wet. LOOOOOOOAAAADS of grip... Makes getting up worth it!
    Its winter. The views are stunning. I sat for a good 20mins at the top of CwmCarn taking in the views!

    The conditions also get rid of the weekend warriors or the ATGNI groups, making the trails quiet.

    Looking forward to my ride tomorrow, hope its wet and chilly! :D
  • joshtp
    joshtp Posts: 3,966
    LOOOOOOOAAADS of grip is acarcastic I hope!?! If not... what tyres are you running?!?! :lol:

    Tis awesome though, And the quiet trails are awesome!
    I like bikes and stuff
  • Ignitors.. Will be changing to minions when it get really wet.

    There is loads of grip in winter (not for climbing). On the downs its really easy to dig in if you ride loose enough!
    I always find/think i ride better and quicker downwards in the wet lol!
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Ugh, Minions are useless int he wet around here!
  • joshtp
    joshtp Posts: 3,966
    Ignitors.. Will be changing to minions when it get really wet.

    There is loads of grip in winter (not for climbing). On the downs its really easy to dig in if you ride loose enough!
    I always find/think i ride better and quicker downwards in the wet lol!

    I have a HR on the front and a Ignitor on the back.... you obviously haven't ridden in the claggy mud round here....

    but I know what you mean... loose dirt is much grippier in the wet.
    I like bikes and stuff
  • jay12
    jay12 Posts: 6,306
    Ugh, Minions are useless int he wet around here!
    that sucks for you then. mine are effin amazing.

    anyway i do love that feeling tbh. i actually love to drift in the wet and i don't really mind riding in the wet. yes dry is better but getting muddy and wet is awesome
  • Miggins
    Miggins Posts: 433
    joshtp wrote:
    ...Wet, muddy, no grip, slow at times, crashing all the time and generally mucking around make Winter riding the most fun thing ever! ...

    Think I might ditch the sou'wester and wellies, then! Always did find them a bit cumbersome.....
    After uphill there's downhill
  • peter413
    peter413 Posts: 5,120
    Ugh, Minions are useless int he wet around here!

    You must have some pretty special ground there :lol:

    Only time I wish I had other tyres is when only a proper mud tyre would do the job and even then, many would struggle
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    I think it's the mix of wet slate, covered with a layer of slimy mud that just clogs up the minions. Definitely not a winter tyre here.
  • peter413
    peter413 Posts: 5,120
    Fair enough, its only loose flint around me and I know slate is slippy enough on its own :lol:
  • Matt_
    Matt_ Posts: 82
    Luckily for me most of the riding here is rock so don't tend to get particularly muddy, just wet through.

    The best winter riding is at night when it's been really really cold but dry for days, not a cloud in the sky and its freezing. Love it when it's like that.
    Current Bikes:
    2010 Trek Fuel EX8
    2009 Specialized Allez Sport
    2006 Scott Reflex 20

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  • capoz77
    capoz77 Posts: 503
    Its the sustained cold snaps I like, clear blue skies, frost on the ground, a freshness in the air, once warmed up can be a very comfortable environment to ride in.