Spinergy Spox spoke tool wanted
I recently bought a bike fitted with Spinergy Spox wheels. These are no longer made but require 2 spoke tools to tension the spokes. I've contacted Spinergy in the US who just gave me the run around then didn't send a promised email to tell me if they could supply the tools. Does anyone have a set of these tools that I could buy or borrow to true the wheels.
Try DHW Agencies - UK Spinergy dealer - (info@dhwagencies.com) might be the same tool as the PBO-spoked wheels or might at least be able to help answer your question.Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..0
Thanks MontyDog - I'll check them out.0
PM me with your email address & i'll look for an email when i get home.
I had a pair of SPOX wheels a while back and emailed Spinergy about spares.
IIRC it can be done with something like a 4mm spanner...
not promising anything, but i'll see what is on file
Gerry0 -
Gerry and Monty Dog,
thanks for your help. I followed through the lead to DHW Agencies and they pointed me to GA Cycles so I've now found a source of tools (and a wheel truing service) here: http://www.gacycles.co.uk.0