Shifter maintenance

streetracer Posts: 7
edited October 2010 in Workshop
I have SRAM Rival shifters on a 3 month old bike.
Will someone please tell me whether I need to carry out any maintenance to the shifters?
Do I need to lubricate the mechanical parts of the shifters with light oil/ grease or are they self maintained?

Thanks in advance!


  • Generally just give them a quick squirt of WD40 after a wet ride
  • amaferanga
    amaferanga Posts: 6,789
    If you mean the shifters and not the dérailleurs then I'd recommend you don't go anywhere near them with WD40.
    More problems but still living....
  • mzm70
    mzm70 Posts: 123
    There's a small article in the Workshop section of the latest C+ magazine on shifer maintenance, it says to give (STI) levers a gererous quirt of WD40 or GT85 to clean the STI and then a heavier lube afterwards.
  • amaferanga
    amaferanga Posts: 6,789
    I wouldn't touch them unless there's actually a problem. Maybe after a few years use I'd consider flushing out what remains of the old grease and regreasing.
    More problems but still living....