Trail muppets (slight rant)



  • .blitz wrote:
    Also forgot to mention there was someone riding round with a race number on their handlebars hahahahahahahahahaha

    WTF is all that about :lol:

    Quite common around here. If you enter a XC series for example, your given a number that'll last you the season. Not really worth taking it off and putting it on for each race, so I just leave it there till the seasons done.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Wow, there's a lot of you with "issues" and yet I have the reputation as the forum psycho.
  • Paul 8v
    Paul 8v Posts: 5,458
    I have to admit i never ever want to take my race numbers off :(

    A bit like when you go to Santa Pod for a "Run what ya brung" I always like to leave the number on my rear window for as long as possible
  • weeksy59
    weeksy59 Posts: 2,606
    Wow, there's a lot of you with "issues" and yet I have the reputation as the forum psycho.

    i think forum spastic is the phrase you're looking for :)
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    I've never kept my race numbers on longer than they had to be there. Soon as the event was over, ad it no longer meant I could have freebies, or anything, off it came.
  • j_l
    j_l Posts: 425
    /\ /\ /\

    it's funny there are some right old pussies out there

    I'm not old I'm Retro
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    weeksy59 wrote:
    Wow, there's a lot of you with "issues" and yet I have the reputation as the forum psycho.

    i think forum spastic is the phrase you're looking for :)
    Ok then, there's a lot of forum spastics on here, yet I'm still the one with the reputation as the forum psycho.
  • .blitz
    .blitz Posts: 6,197
    I've never kept my race numbers on longer than they had to be there. Soon as the event was over, ad it no longer meant I could have freebies, or anything, off it came.
    yet I'm still the one with the reputation as the forum psycho.
    I think you're the more the forum 'voice of reason' :)
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    well, .blitz you've been here long enough to realise that this is often the case, even if it is bad tempered, foul mouthed reason! :lol:
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    weeksy59 wrote:
    Wow, there's a lot of you with "issues" and yet I have the reputation as the forum psycho.

    i think forum spastic is the phrase you're looking for :)
    oh hai!!
  • dubcat
    dubcat Posts: 754
    This thread gave me a lot of laughs - but i got to be honest. I'm pretty sure I am a trail muppet. I did my first trail ride last weekend. I got scared at one point and stopped to look at the spot where I was sure I was about to die on in a few seconds time. I didn't realise I was standing in the middle of the trail until one poor sod had to ride around me at which point i did rapidly move to the side. It's easy to forget you are going to block others when you are a newbie since your whole focus is on staying alive a little bit longer.

    Still - after reading all this at least i'll be thinking about it a bit more.
    2010 Specialized Rockhopper
    2012 Bianchi Infinito
  • If it wasn't for me being so slow, I'd never see any other riders at Cannock, I'm always being passed, but occasionally I do pass someone, usually some noob on an Argos bouncy bike with panniers, and tons of kit like camera, lights, GPS, iPnone, bell, and battery operated cooling fan attached to his handlebars, these types usually don tracksuit pants, rugby shirt and a £10 helmet.

    I value these moments as I know that after riding there for a week, this type of n00b will probably come flying past me, even though Cannock is my local ride, even though the brakes alone on my not overly cheap All Mountain bike cost more than the old battered, faded red VW Polo he loads his bike into once he's finished his ride

    What does annoy me is the "family units" who decide to ignore the red route warnings at Cannock and ride like a collective, often trying to ride two abreast in the slightly wider areas.
    These collectives wear no helmets and ride bikes made of substandard materials that even scrap metal dealers would be reluctant to accept at no fee.

    Getting past these types requires skills of note as rest assured when you come up behind them, they'll look at you whilst their handlebars will be subconsciously steered towards you, resulting in a collision prevention overtaking maneuver than an F1 driver would be proud of

    Büllshît aside, the trails are there for all of us to use and that I'll always let a faster rider past when it's convenient for both of us, If he's got buddies behind him, I always ask if there's any more to come past in case they have have stragglers in their convoy. If there is, I'll wait until they've passed then continue MY ride at MY pace.
  • biff55
    biff55 Posts: 1,404
    Wow, there's a lot of you with "issues" and yet I have the reputation as the forum psycho.

    you mean you like to think that of yourself.
    sorry but bad tempered rudeness doesn't equal tough or scary.
    never believe your own hype.
  • chedabob
    chedabob Posts: 1,133
    biff55 wrote:
    Wow, there's a lot of you with "issues" and yet I have the reputation as the forum psycho.

    you mean you like to think that of yourself.
    sorry but bad tempered rudeness doesn't equal tough or scary.
    never believe your own hype.

  • lesz42
    lesz42 Posts: 690
    only muppets i have seen are riders who swear at slower riders or noobs, even on blue trails? ( not often )
    Giant Trance X0 (08) Reverb, Hope Hoops 5.1D, XT brakes, RQ BC, Works Components headset 1.5
  • Ok my turn :) .. Right I shall discribe the type of rider I am at first then deiscribe the type of manners I have on the trail..

    Well firstly I have a trek 6000 that pretty standard, and always wear a helmet, I'm not a good rider and I can bairly survive a trip down the mellowist trail runs .. Im trying to improve!!

    I would however (never had) have a majour issue with someone sitting on my tail skidding etc impatiantly waiting to get past, If i can see that there is someone faster than me and I can see he slowed down a little to give me some room I would happily let them by (and have before) .. but if there just being a cock I would proberbly just move into any possible overtaking position and just act like a dumbass... why? just to piss them off, yes abit cuntish but what gives them the right to be harrassing a trail n00b.. ?!

    On that note, I always try and ride to the back of packs just so If i epic fail no-one will see me or run over my head.. Same as a car, If someone is coming up fast behind me, I move over or increase speed, if they tailgate me - good luck getting past you cock!!

    PS. Im new - go easy with the replies :) - Also no spell check on here so just ignore my 12yo spelling!!
  • weeksy59 wrote:
    Wow, there's a lot of you with "issues" and yet I have the reputation as the forum psycho.

    i think forum spastic is the phrase you're looking for :)

    Possible winner for the post of the year :D
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    biff55 wrote:
    Wow, there's a lot of you with "issues" and yet I have the reputation as the forum psycho.

    you mean you like to think that of yourself.
    sorry but bad tempered rudeness doesn't equal tough or scary.
    never believe your own hype.
    Wow, talk about missing the joke. Great job.
  • Oh go cry to your mother you little twerp :roll:

    Why don't you fuck (not my word) off and do something else with your life, rather than post crap on peoples posts.
    Trek 1.5 Triple 2011 Black
    GT Avalanche 1 MTB 2007 Steel Blue
  • cooldad
    cooldad Posts: 32,599
    Oh go cry to your mother you little twerp :roll:

    Why don't you fark (not my word) off and do something else with your life, rather than post crap on peoples posts.

    And remove his sole reason for being. How cruel.
    I don't do smileys.

    There is no secret ingredient - Kung Fu Panda

    London Calling on Facebook

  • biff55
    biff55 Posts: 1,404
    Wow, talk about missing the joke. Great job.

    what joke would that be ?
  • kenan
    kenan Posts: 952
    Last week I met another rider on my local trail, I got really excited as it’s the first rider I had met out on a trail in ages.

    Sorry to say we had a nice chat about bikes, good local trails etc. I have taken your advice on board and now have a baseball bat in my pack so next time I can beat the selfish, inconsiderate gimp into next week. How dare he be out on the same tail as me, I’m middle class don’t you know!
  • cooldad
    cooldad Posts: 32,599
    kenan wrote:
    Last week I met another rider on my local trail, I got really excited as it’s the first rider I had met out on a trail in ages.

    Sorry to say we had a nice chat about bikes, good local trails etc. I have taken your advice on board and now have a baseball bat in my pack so next time I can beat the selfish, inconsiderate gimp into next week. How dare he be out on the same tail as me, I’m middle class don’t you know!

    Swap the baseball bat for a D lock - two birds and all that.
    I don't do smileys.

    There is no secret ingredient - Kung Fu Panda

    London Calling on Facebook

  • Iain C
    Iain C Posts: 464
    'Kin Hell!

    What have we learnt?

    1. Don't post stuff on bikeradar unless it's a simple technical question, or you don't mind getting abused

    2. Some people read a post properly and get the point and make a point, others just skim read and miss the point completely before going off on one.

    3. Some people love sheep.

    4. Ride Cannock midweek

    5. GSXR front wheels love sheep. Diced.

    6. Name calling has left the playground and is alive and well

    7. Ponytails suck.

    8. Slow people obviously really suck even more than ponytails.

    9. Probably should have stepped away from the keyboard and let this thread die!

    Next non controversial topic for discussion "Clearly Hope design their freewheels to be as loud as possible to intimidate slower riders and they are only used by people who probably lubricated their chain with freshly-clubbed baby seal blubber in an effort to be even more scary on the trails. Discuss."

  • rhext
    rhext Posts: 1,639
    Those poor baby seals! We should start a campaign to stamp out this appalling practice. It brings cycling into disrepute.
  • But Sealskinz kit is so good, especially with winter swamping in.
  • rhext
    rhext Posts: 1,639
    Is it? Oh! Hadn't appreciated that. I'll get me club!
  • JonnyN
    JonnyN Posts: 181
    Baby seal blubber you say........

    ......i'll be back in a bit *grabs bat*
    "Time you enjoy wasting, is not a waste of time"

    "I'm too young to be too old for this shit"

    Specialized FSRxc Expert 2008
    Kona Stinky 2008 (Deceased)
    Trek Scratch Air 8 2010 (Work in Progress)
  • Why do I feel that because I have a Hope Pro 2 rear I am substandard?

    Now I am part of the "Clicky Gang" because I brought a Hope? lol

    Not entirely sure how that has worked out?!
    Specialized Rockhopper Comp 2009.
  • Steve_F
    Steve_F Posts: 682
    Wow! This just read this thread and seriously didn't expect all the twists and turns it has taken so far.

    There are always going to be people who don't know anything of trail manners, even the people who look competent might be a a centre for the first time. A lot of people will look at it like being out on the road - it's up to the person behind to get past not me to pass them.

    I caught up with a group at Inners once, the first few riders let me past with no problem and a cheery greeting, the third one turned for a quick look when I gave him a shout I was there and tried to speed up. I gave him another shout as I was a lot faster and he never moved so I backed off to give him room. He obviously never knew the trail as he hit some parts wildly and got lucky to get away with it. When he came up to a medium drop off and slammed the brakes on I couldn't help laughing as he jumped over the handlebars landing (on his feet) right on the edge of the drop as I picked another line and passed him.

    People trying to push their limits to keep you behind annoys me. That one was lucky to end up that well.

    The other one that annoys me is people on top end bikes acting like they own the trails. My mate stays in Innerleithen so is always out on the trails. He was at the top of the Minch about to set off when 3 riders on nice bikes gave him a shout and asked if they could go first. They then messed about before setting off before him. He passed them all on the first section.

    Wonder which direction this will take the thread now.....

    Purple monkey dishwater.
    Current steed is a '07 Carrera Banshee X
    + cheap road/commuting bike