105 rear derailleur replacement
I bent the cage of my 105 rear derailleur at the weekend and may need to replace it (if I can't straighten it). One thing I'm not sure about is how to visually identify if it's a short (ss) or medium (gs) cage, never having seen the two types side-by-side. I've taken the bent derailleur off the bike and the only identification I can find is the Shmano part number RD-5600. The cassette is a SRAM 11-28 and the chanrings are 50-34 - so, from the Shimano tech note it indicates that it should be a medium cage. However, research on here and elsewhere suggest that it may be a short cage.
Any thoughts ?
Any thoughts ?
I thought Shimano only came in Medium and Long flavours?0
Have you tried Shimano's website? There's access there to the technical drawings for their kit.O na bawn i fel LA0
Thinking about it, I'm not sure Shimano actually state 'short', 'medium' or 'long'. I think that's how other people refer to the derailleur cages. I have downloaded the info from the Shimano site but all it shows is that the GS cage is bigger than the SS - it still doesn't give you much of an idea exactly how big they are. It looks as though it's probably an SS but I'd rather know for sure before buying one.0
I have a 105 triple on mine (Sept 2008 build, so not sure if 2008 or 2009 range) which I assume to be the long cage. I can post a pic if that would help, or measure the length of the thing?0
keef66 - thanks for the reply. I expect you're right about your triple being the longer version, so if you could find the time to measure the approx distance between the jockey wheel centres that would be great - many thanks.0
Long cage - http://www.wiggle.co.uk/p/cycle/7/Shimano_105_5700_GS_10_Speed_Rear_Derailleur/5360052178/
Short cage - http://www.wiggle.co.uk/p/cycle/7/Shimano_105_5600_SS_9~10_Speed_Rear_Derailleur/5360020759/
The long cage has about the diameter of a jockey wheel between the wheels. The short cage doesn't.0 -
No problem; it won't be till later tho.
I have to spend some time in the garage when I get home tonite cos No. 2 son has wrapped his chain round his front mech and at least 2 chainrings. I suspect the cheese used in the manufacture of the front mech pivots has finally given up the ghost. Classic timing; he's just got his A-level results and is off to uni in 4 weeks and we were going to consign the thing to the skip then. :evil:0 -
82mm from centre to centre.
I'm back out to the garage now to untangle a chain with a very large screwdriver0 -
Yup. Front mech pivot disengaged and as a result the whole thing is bent beyond redemption. I have fortunately found a near identical item for sale on CRC for just £3! Wrong clamp size, but not beyond my bodging ability.
You worked out what size mech you need?0