Stuck seat post
I had the same problem a while back. I cut it out. Get yourself one of these badboys ... searchtext>HACKSAW
Converts your stanley knife into a hacksaw and you can cut it out easiliy.
Good luck.0 -
I used a kettle of boiling water on the frame/seat post junction.
Useful if there are two of you !!!0 -
You could try squirting plus-gas or even just wd40 down from above as well as turning the frame upside down and squirting in from the bottom (might have to remove bottom bracket too), which might help free it up.
Perhaps knocking it down slightly using a piece of wood strategically placed might help to free it before pulling up? It will be quite abit of work to cut it out.I\'m sure I had one of those here somewhere0 -
Just Boch itgoing downhill slowly0
Just did this last night on a Trek frame I just bought.
I took the BB out and soaked it overnight by squirting wd40 down the seat tube with the frame upside down.
This morning with the seat fitted I gave it a wack sideways with a rubber mallet and then just pulled and turned. Eventually it came out fine.