Tour de France Prologue *spoiler*



  • shakey88
    shakey88 Posts: 289
    Well at least Graham Watson has got the right angle on things, from twitter:
    What a star Lance is, 4th in Prologue and the best of the overall favourites - and this is just the start!

    Yeah Graham, just the start. It's all downhill from here....

    Don't you mean uphill :wink:
    By the way,are they tatoos at the base of Wiggins thumbs? Never noticed them before
  • Pokerface
    Pokerface Posts: 7,960
    jerry3571 wrote:
    I'm enjoying the coverage of the ITV coverage with the ex pro pundit Mr Stan Boardman saying "well, I'm a bit disappointed with Brad as he should have stoved it into the barriers like I did on a wet Tour de France prologue"

    Great advice Stan!!


    Do you mean CHRIS Boardman?
  • jerry3571
    jerry3571 Posts: 1,532
    I mean Stan Boardman as in a lousy standup scouser Comedian; that what he is isn't it. :wink:



    “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving”- Albert Einstein

    "You can't ride the Tour de France on mineral water."
    -Jacques Anquetil
  • Pokerface
    Pokerface Posts: 7,960
    I don't follow.
  • pedro118118
    pedro118118 Posts: 1,102
    Bummer for Wiggo - TeamSky 'Marginal Rains' approach didne work out.
    That said, Martin and Thomas put in very good times in similar conditions, so Brad must've adopted his ultra-conservative/defensive approach from day one this year?!
    Still a long way to go though, but not ideal to have lost 30"+ on the likes of Armstrong, Contador already.
    On the positive side, Schleck A was even worse.
  • jaysonski
    jaysonski Posts: 128
    contador looked stylish???
    He looked like a gay canary
    speaking af canary's he wants to spend a bit less time tickling them and a bit more on time trialing!
    Go Lance!
  • donrhummy
    donrhummy Posts: 2,329
    That was the biggest mess I've ever seen. THREE crashes in about 1000 meters! Farrar had such a great chance and then someone hit him from behind.
  • Lightning
    Lightning Posts: 360
    donrhummy wrote:
    That was the biggest mess I've ever seen. THREE crashes in about 1000 meters! Farrar had such a great chance and then someone hit him from behind.
    This is actually the prologue topic.
  • frenchfighter
    frenchfighter Posts: 30,642
    Pokerface wrote:
    +1. Frenchfighter - you are tiresome to me and it is only day 1 of the Tour. Please limit your comments to the racing at hand and not to personal attacks on the team kit of riders.

    Sorry cannot oblige here. You will just have to be mature and ignore comments you don't like which pretty much everyone does on forums.
    Contador is the Greatest
  • Pokerface
    Pokerface Posts: 7,960
    Pokerface wrote:
    +1. Frenchfighter - you are tiresome to me and it is only day 1 of the Tour. Please limit your comments to the racing at hand and not to personal attacks on the team kit of riders.

    Sorry cannot oblige here. You will just have to be mature and ignore comments you don't like which pretty much everyone does on forums.

    You are right. Just keep up your childish comments and further alienate everyone and discredit yourself. You are a class A lightweight if the best you can come up with is comments on clothing.
  • frenchfighter
    frenchfighter Posts: 30,642
    I suggest that you have taken one comment of all the ones I have posted in the last two days and seen fit to challenge me on it, saying that I comment on nothing else. Maybe you get blinded by one comment or something.

    Either way, you have nothing to worry about as I don't comment about rider's attire all the time (even if I see absolutely nothing wrong with that whatsoever) and don't intend to start doing it all the time.
    Contador is the Greatest