Jalabert/LOOK vid

Sheptastic Posts: 298
edited June 2010 in Pro race
Cool promo video for look with the big man himself in it. Thought a few might appriciate it.



  • donrhummy
    donrhummy Posts: 2,329
    I love Look bikes and wish they'd kept their logo as it was through 2009. I thought their 2009 595 Ultra was a thing of beauty.

    Thanks for posting that. :)
  • Steve Tcp
    Steve Tcp Posts: 7,350
    I hear you Don, I'm not keen on the new logo either. The red and white Look bike with the old style logo is my favourite in the Pro Peloton. It looks clean and fresh and would definitely be top of my shopping list if I had bike buying levels of disposable income.
    Take care,

  • Le Commentateur
    Le Commentateur Posts: 4,099
    Nice taster for my Corsican holiday in a couple of weeks time (as will be the 30ºC weather this weekend).
  • donrhummy
    donrhummy Posts: 2,329
    Steve Tcp wrote:
    I hear you Don, I'm not keen on the new logo either. The red and white Look bike with the old style logo is my favourite in the Pro Peloton. It looks clean and fresh and would definitely be top of my shopping list if I had bike buying levels of disposable income.

    *sigh* yeah, me too. I think I might actually go with Di2 as well.