Wilier Escape vs Scott Speedster S30

xcom44dan Posts: 2
edited June 2010 in Road beginners
Hi guys.

After years of mountain biking I'm looking to buy my first road bike on the cycle to work scheme. Only problem is, at Royal Mail we're limited to a £500 voucher and have to spend it at Halfords or Leisure Lakes (so far as I can tell).

It seems that Leisure Lakes though will let me top up my voucher, i.e. if a bike cost £700, I'd save 40% on the first £500 worth, then I'd fork out the extra £200 with out any tax brakes. Hence £700 bike = £500.

I don't want to spend too much more than £500 and have so far wittled my choices down to the Scott S30 http://www.leisurelakesbikes.com/product/scottspeedsters3027spmensroadbike2010.aspx?&id=12305 and the Wilier Escape http://www.leisurelakesbikes.com/product/wilierescapemirage10speedroadbike2009.aspx?&id=8922.

Does anybody have any experience with either of these bikes? Or any advice at all really. Thanks for your help.


  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    I have a Scott Speedster S50, excellent bike. Good nuetral geometry and really tough. I can only imagine the S30 to be lighter and quicker, so in my opinion I'd plump for the scott.
  • taptaptap
    taptaptap Posts: 1
    Ive got the escape and love it.

    Cannot find owt wrong with it and you get Campag!
  • pianoman
    pianoman Posts: 706
    you get Campag!

    That would be enough for me to decide. You didn't really think I would choose the one with Shimano did you? Come on pay attention............