
conure Posts: 13
edited May 2010 in Road beginners
Hi guys,

I made a post a few days ago about a John O' Groats to Land's End, and have started training, but have a few questions.

First, the manual has information on servicing etc but nothing on actual post ride cleaning - Will I see any benefits from washing the bike down (components etc) after a ride? also, the chain after my first 30 miler is pretty filthy, with stuff stuck on it. How often should I be cleaning that, and is there a best way to go about it?

Secondly, I found during the ride I craved powerade (I use it for running), and when I had it I felt better. Problem is, I'm training 6 days a week and powerade will become an expensive habit. I've heard of supplements you can just put into your water bottle which will give me all the necessary salts, can anybody recommend anything?

Thanks very much


  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Hi mate.

    Sounds like you are over lubing your chain.

    Spray some WD40 on a cloth, hold it round the chain, pull the chain so it is taut and run the chain through it to clean it.
    Then just put a little lube on it.

    With regards to water, you can buy electrolyte mix from and it is mega cheap! I just add it to ribena or water and it does the job perfectly. You could add some dextrose powder or similar too if you want energy, again, mega cheap compared to bought stuff!
  • stokepa31
    stokepa31 Posts: 560
    i Suggest you go for maltodextrin if you want to add it to squash to avoid it becoming too sweet.

    I would be interested to know what dosage you use on the electrolyte Nap D. think i need to get shot of my nuun tabet addiction and go cheap :)

    The issue with the chain may be the sticky coating that comes on a new one. There are differing opinions on whether this should be removed or not but i find a new chain will pick up a ton of crap and the first thing I do is clean them off and re lube with a synthetic dry lube
    Burning Fat Not Rubber

    Scott CR1
    Genesis IO ID
    Moda Canon
  • Headhuunter
    Headhuunter Posts: 6,494
    Do not write below this line. Office use only.
  • MichaelW
    MichaelW Posts: 2,164
    After you have cleaned the gunk off as above, relube with something like Finish Line. Apply on the upper surface of the lower chain run. Use one drop on every pin, applied close to the edge where all the bits join. The lube should work its way inside the links. You can wipe away the excess but I dont.
    I find that a lube lasts one or 2 days on tour but always relube after rain.
  • conure
    conure Posts: 13
    Thanks very much guys - I'll clean off the chain and get it relubed. Strange that they'd lube it with such sticky stuff from the offset!

    Thanks again

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    conure wrote:
    Thanks very much guys - I'll clean off the chain and get it relubed. Strange that they'd lube it with such sticky stuff from the offset!

    Thanks again


    It's to protect it in storage so it doesn't sieze / go rusty...
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    stokepa31 wrote:
    I would be interested to know what dosage you use on the electrolyte Nap D. think i need to get shot of my nuun tabet addiction and go cheap :)

    It tells you the amount per 500ml water on the packet.

    Myprotein stuff all does. It needs to be foolproof for someone like me to be able to understand it!
  • gwillis
    gwillis Posts: 998

    Thanks for the link and to Nap D also. Up until now Ive used Nuun tabs and various energy drinks but these recipes look like just the ticket. One question I have is about mixing and storeage etc, how do you guys keep the mix ready for use.

    Off the shops to but a scales later, once my order has been sent it for the items needed
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    gwillis wrote:

    Thanks for the link and to Nap D also. Up until now Ive used Nuun tabs and various energy drinks but these recipes look like just the ticket. One question I have is about mixing and storeage etc, how do you guys keep the mix ready for use.

    Off the shops to but a scales later, once my order has been sent it for the items needed

    In an empty sports drinks tub! Just use Tupperware or something...
  • gwillis
    gwillis Posts: 998
    NapoleonD wrote:
    gwillis wrote:

    Thanks for the link and to Nap D also. Up until now Ive used Nuun tabs and various energy drinks but these recipes look like just the ticket. One question I have is about mixing and storeage etc, how do you guys keep the mix ready for use.

    Off the shops to but a scales later, once my order has been sent it for the items needed

    In an empty sports drinks tub! Just use Tupperware or something...

    Thanks just thought of that. No more expensive drinks for me
  • Sean1504
    Sean1504 Posts: 101
    NapoleonD wrote:
    Hi mate.
    With regards to water, you can buy electrolyte mix from and it is mega cheap! I just add it to ribena or water and it does the job perfectly. You could add some dextrose powder or similar too if you want energy, again, mega cheap compared to bought stuff!

    +1 for myprotein, everything i've had from there has been great. If you do end up ordering anything you can get 5% off by using this code: MP131521.
  • furrag
    furrag Posts: 481
    PM sent to you, Conjure.