Plastic disc behind the cassette

Paul E
Paul E Posts: 2,052
edited May 2010 in Workshop
Just bought some new wheels (Aksiums) they have the plastic disc on them to help stop the chain going into spokes, now my question is, do I need to leave it on, or can I remove it ok . I have never had a chain go into the spokes on my road bike and the gears are all indexed fine.


  • Chrissz
    Chrissz Posts: 727
    Remove it!

    It belongs in the bin, along with wheel reflectors, pedal reflectors and those silly fore & aft reflectors!! :lol:
  • Paul E
    Paul E Posts: 2,052
    All the others lasted about 20 mins on the bike and that was the journey back to my mates house where i bought it, it shall be removed before they are used.
  • Definitely remove it, they don't call them dork discs for nothing!
    Alive at both ends, but a little dead in the middle.
  • big nasty black disc is it ?

    in my opinion they look far worse and more noticeable than the old school clear plastic version.

    either way best filed under B for bin with the reflectors as already stated.
  • Paul E
    Paul E Posts: 2,052
    Yeah huge thing, looks like a bit of protective packaging to protect the spokes in transit or something.