Landis - Comments from the pros.



  • finchy
    finchy Posts: 6,686
    BikingBernie - why not wait until Giro d'Italia is over, and Wiggins is having a few days of well-earned rest, and then contact him via Twitter to see what his views are?

    Er, I'm not really au fait with Twatter - you can do this, can't you?
  • BikingBernie
    BikingBernie Posts: 2,163
    johnfinch wrote:
    BikingBernie - why not wait until Giro d'Italia is over, and Wiggins is having a few days of well-earned rest, and then contact him via Twitter to see what his views are?
    Point is he was twittering like a canary right through the Tour last year - where he came in fourth.
  • DaveyL
    DaveyL Posts: 5,167
    johnfinch wrote:
    BikingBernie - why not wait until Giro d'Italia is over, and Wiggins is having a few days of well-earned rest, and then contact him via Twitter to see what his views are?
    Point is he was twittering like a canary right through the Tour last year - where he came in fourth.

    He wasn't so much during the Giro though - obviously his twitter form is designed to peak in July.
    Le Blaireau (1)
  • SpaceJunk
    SpaceJunk Posts: 1,157
    DaveyL wrote:
    johnfinch wrote:
    BikingBernie - why not wait until Giro d'Italia is over, and Wiggins is having a few days of well-earned rest, and then contact him via Twitter to see what his views are?
    Point is he was twittering like a canary right through the Tour last year - where he came in fourth.

    He wasn't so much during the Giro though - obviously his twitter form is designed to peak in July.

    Yeah, Wiggins had gone quiet with his tweets before this hit. That said, I can't wait to see what he does say.
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241
    johnfinch wrote:
    BikingBernie - why not wait until Giro d'Italia is over, and Wiggins is having a few days of well-earned rest, and then contact him via Twitter to see what his views are?
    Point is he was twittering like a canary right through the Tour last year - where he came in fourth.

    Maybe he's just got bored of it. He wouldn't be the first person to embrace the latest fad only to lose interest a year down the line.
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • finchy
    finchy Posts: 6,686
    johnfinch wrote:
    BikingBernie - why not wait until Giro d'Italia is over, and Wiggins is having a few days of well-earned rest, and then contact him via Twitter to see what his views are?
    Point is he was twittering like a canary right through the Tour last year - where he came in fourth.

    Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
  • dennisn
    dennisn Posts: 10,601
    Sheptastic wrote:
    presumably they've been told to keep schtum in case of legal problems and the possibilty of getting embroiled in Lance vs Landis '10
    Surely they could say something relatively neutral ...........


    If you were "involved", in any way shape or form, would you make any comments??
    And by "involved" I mean simply being a pro rider, mechanic, team Doctor, or even the team towel man. I don't see anyone having anything to gain by saying much of anything.
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    If I were a pro I'd probably not mention anything anyway as
    1. I'd have no idea if it were true anyway
    2. I'd not want to pi$$ LA off and possibly adversely affect my career - all for the sake of basically gossip.

    I dont think this is Omerta. Wiggins and co were pretty vocal when a cheat was found in the Cofidis team ? This is just unproven hearsay from a guy whos credentials could hardly be worse.

    I'm not saying I dont think a large part of it could be true - but then again I'm not a pro and I cant see that Lance is gonna spoil my next ride by beating me to the cake shop and ordering the entire stock. Although he might. I'm not telling him where I'm riding just to be safe.
  • eh
    eh Posts: 4,854
    Wiggins' views on doping are so all over the place that I wouldn't pay any attention to what he says on Twitter or otherwise, the guy is an idiot.

    JV, Millar, and Basso's views would be far more interesting.
    EKIMIKE Posts: 2,232
    Well here we go. A beautiful example of why Twitter should remain as a simple social curiosity.

    Just goes to prove that Twitter is a poor means of serious communication. I think it's pretty cheap that anyone of importance would attempt to make a serious point in an environment that cannot be challenged.

    Establishing a serious opinion/divulging information via Twitter is rather spineless.
    EKIMIKE Posts: 2,232
    It's good to see most of the Pro Peloton have at least some moral dignity - doped or not doped.

    This isn't my way of defending Omerta. I just feel Twitter is by no means a way to break it. Imagine if Floyd just Twittered all this stuff... it would be ridiculed. It's not a correct and decent form of media by any stretch.
  • andyp
    andyp Posts: 10,475
    Nothing to see hear, it's all history, the sport should be moving forward; ... ref=sports
  • mididoctors
    mididoctors Posts: 18,867
    cougie wrote:
    If I were a pro I'd probably not mention anything anyway as

    2. I'd not want to pi$$ LA off and possibly adversely affect my career - all for the sake of basically gossip.

    I dont think this is Omerta.

    it is omerta then... except we can see now how it functions..

    do you think they get the black spot delivered via twitter or a dead horses head in the bed?

    over bearing presence dictated by money and vested self interest accounts for most of it... that is what you are arguing

    think about what you are saying here

    they are the same thing
    "If I was a 38 year old man, I definitely wouldn't be riding a bright yellow bike with Hello Kitty disc wheels, put it that way. What we're witnessing here is the world's most high profile mid-life crisis" Afx237vi Mon Jul 20, 2009 2:43 pm
  • mididoctors
    mididoctors Posts: 18,867
    andyp wrote:
    Nothing to see hear, it's all history, the sport should be moving forward; ... ref=sports

    Hincapie... jayyyyyzuz sss kryst... if he does anymore HGH he will grow an extra ffffkkking head!
    "If I was a 38 year old man, I definitely wouldn't be riding a bright yellow bike with Hello Kitty disc wheels, put it that way. What we're witnessing here is the world's most high profile mid-life crisis" Afx237vi Mon Jul 20, 2009 2:43 pm
  • afx237vi
    afx237vi Posts: 12,630
    andyp wrote:
    Nothing to see hear, it's all history, the sport should be moving forward; ... ref=sports

    It's more interesting to note what they all didn't say. Namely, "the allegations are untrue" or "Floyd is telling lies". The only person who has denied involvement so far is Barry.

    Hincapie takes the "I'm a nice guy, really" line. Shouldn't he be suspended, anyway? BMC took a harsh line on Ballan and Santambrogio based on little more than newspaper reports, so why not Hincapie?
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241
    afx237vi wrote:
    andyp wrote:
    Nothing to see hear, it's all history, the sport should be moving forward; ... ref=sports

    Hincapie takes the "I'm a nice guy, really" line. Shouldn't he be suspended, anyway? BMC took a harsh line on Ballan and Santambrogio based on little more than newspaper reports, so why not Hincapie?

    But then they'd have cycle with no jerseys on. We don't want to see that.

    Seriously though, I suppose Hincapie isn't, yet, the subject of any formal investigation.
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • dennisn
    dennisn Posts: 10,601
    afx237vi wrote:
    andyp wrote:
    Nothing to see hear, it's all history, the sport should be moving forward; ... ref=sports

    It's more interesting to note what they all didn't say. Namely, "the allegations are untrue" or "Floyd is telling lies". The only person who has denied involvement so far is Barry.

    So by NOT saying something this proves guilt?? Whew, that's a real stretch. Because YOU haven't commented on a murder I can assume that therefore YOU are the murderer?
    That's insane. :wink::wink:
  • afx237vi
    afx237vi Posts: 12,630
    RichN95 wrote:
    afx237vi wrote:
    andyp wrote:
    Nothing to see hear, it's all history, the sport should be moving forward; ... ref=sports

    Hincapie takes the "I'm a nice guy, really" line. Shouldn't he be suspended, anyway? BMC took a harsh line on Ballan and Santambrogio based on little more than newspaper reports, so why not Hincapie?

    But then they'd have cycle with no jerseys on. We don't want to see that.

    Seriously though, I suppose Hincapie isn't, yet, the subject of any formal investigation.

    Is Ballan? Gazzetta published a list of 50 odd names, but who or what is being is investigated is pretty difficult to figure out (helps if you speak Italian, obviously). Cunego was originally named as well, but he reckoned he'd received no contact about it at all. It's all quite murky.
  • afx237vi
    afx237vi Posts: 12,630
    dennisn wrote:
    afx237vi wrote:
    It's more interesting to note what they all didn't say. Namely, "the allegations are untrue" or "Floyd is telling lies". The only person who has denied involvement so far is Barry.

    So by NOT saying something this proves guilt?? Whew, that's a real stretch. Because YOU haven't commented on a murder I can assume that therefore YOU are the murderer?
    That's insane. :wink::wink:

    1. I didn't say it proved anything, just that it was interesting (to me). You're imagining things again.

    2. When someone writes an email to the police implicating me in a murder, I'll allow you to read whatever you like into my lack of a denial.

    Try again.
  • jimmythecuckoo
    jimmythecuckoo Posts: 4,716
    Every pro team PR man worth his salt will have been round his riders drumming into them the need to stay out of this one.

    If you throw in Lance, the Trek/LeMond thing, Landis, Hamilton, Hincapie and the remaining USPS team along with the UCI and just about everyone else in the sport, you would be mad to make whatever opinions you have public.
  • BikingBernie
    BikingBernie Posts: 2,163
    andyp wrote:
    Nothing to see hear, it's all history, the sport should be moving forward; ... ref=sports

    So, Hincape wants a clean sport. That doesn't mean that either he or the sport are clean though. His failure to actually deny that he doped is very telling.

    The quote from Bill Stapleton is a cracker...

    For Stapleton, delving into the past to finger riders who may have doped has only hurt the sport’s tattered image.

    “I believe that these guys that Landis named are playing by the rules and you have to judge them by the standards of today, and not look back to things that may have happened years ago,” Stapleton said. “I don’t think a witch hunt will serve any purpose.”

    He added: “I’m all for the older generation racing and succeeding and passing the drug tests, but they don’t define the sport anymore. Lance Armstrong doesn’t define the sport anymore. There’s a new generation of riders and teams who operate under a whole new set of rules.
  • dennisn
    dennisn Posts: 10,601
    afx237vi wrote:
    dennisn wrote:
    afx237vi wrote:
    It's more interesting to note what they all didn't say. Namely, "the allegations are untrue" or "Floyd is telling lies". The only person who has denied involvement so far is Barry.

    So by NOT saying something this proves guilt?? Whew, that's a real stretch. Because YOU haven't commented on a murder I can assume that therefore YOU are the murderer?
    That's insane. :wink::wink:

    1. I didn't say it proved anything, just that it was interesting (to me). You're imagining things again.

    2. When someone writes an email to the police implicating me in a murder, I'll allow you to read whatever you like into my lack of a denial.

    Try again.

    OK ya got me on both counts. It just seems that you're sort of going in one direction. If someone denies it, well, they're guilty. Whomever says nothing is under a cloud of suspicion and probably guilty. If someone comments and doesn't say what you think they should say, well, not good for them.
  • stagehopper
    stagehopper Posts: 1,593
    what would be really refreshing is those of us who post under pseudonyms proffered our thoughts in such a way that we could be individually identified by those we accuse of various misdemeanours.

    We'd be on a level playing field with the riders then, eh BikingBernie?

    Just repeating this in case BikingBernie missed it.

    Notice there's still a deafening silence from the non-Anglo European peloton.
  • DaveyL
    DaveyL Posts: 5,167
    Ben Jacques-Mayne of the Bissell cycling team:

    "Do you want to cheer for false heros? Landis has just done us a HUGE favor. RT @BikePure: ESPN weighs in on Landis:"

    Still no word from Gilbert, Tommy V, Moncoutie?
    Le Blaireau (1)
  • mididoctors
    mididoctors Posts: 18,867
    or linus G..

    may have to wait until the back of the giro...
    "If I was a 38 year old man, I definitely wouldn't be riding a bright yellow bike with Hello Kitty disc wheels, put it that way. What we're witnessing here is the world's most high profile mid-life crisis" Afx237vi Mon Jul 20, 2009 2:43 pm
  • BikingBernie
    BikingBernie Posts: 2,163
    Hypocrisy from Millar. (Link thanks to Iainf72).

    Fallout continues as cycling chief and Garmin member blast Landis

    Garmin-Transitions' David Millar, who came back in 2006 from a two-year doping ban after admitting his guilt, is furious at Landis.

    "He's reached the end of the road and I just find it disgusting," said Millar from his home training base in Girona, Spain. "He's a liar and a cheat and he has nothing left in cycling so he just wants to burn the house down.

    Wasn't Millar also a 'liar and a cheat'? And his hostility to Landis pretty much mirrors his hostility towards Philippe Gaumont, who according to Millar was '‘A total idiot who should have left the team four years ago … a nutter, but very gifted at manipulating people."