Interesting quote on drugs

solocp Posts: 285
edited May 2010 in Pro race
See the bit in bold. From the Daily Telegraph online:

"IOC to retest Turin Winter Olympics samples
The International Olympic Committee has begun retesting drug samples taken four years ago at the Turin Winter Olympics.

By Jacquelin Magnay
Published: 11:39PM BST 10 May 2010

The move comes after intelligence was gathered by the World Anti-Doping Agency that some athletes may have been using CERA, a version of the blood-boosting hormone EPO.

WADA discovered there may have been abuse of CERA before it was put on the market for legitimate medical reasons. Testers have the authority to retest samples going back eight years and strip medals and awards.

Five athletes were caught using CERA when drug samples were retested after the Beijing Olympic Games, including 1500 metres gold medallist Rahid Ramzi, of Bahrain.

The Turin Olympics were marred by a drug raid on the Austrian cross-country and biathlon team and the discovery of blood doping equipment. Six athletes were banned as a consequence of the raid, conducted by Italian police.

Meanwhile, WADA chairman John Fahey said on Monday the controversial whereabouts rule, which requires athletes to notify authorities where they are for one hour of each day, would be maintained, but would be explained more comprehensively to countries which interpreted the rulings differently.

Fahey said Interpol had provided evidence that there was as much money coming from the trafficking of performance-enhancing drugs as there was in the illegal drug trade.

"There is a problem of mammoth proportions out there," Fahey said. "If we were of the view that the problem was going away that was not the advice we were given by Interpol.

"I don't think it was shocking but sometimes when we're all working as hard as we can on the particular issue of getting rid of the cheats in sport you don't stop to take stock of what the proportions of the problem are." "