Knee Braces...

toby_winkler Posts: 1,298
edited May 2010 in MTB general
I've been riding properly for about the last 6 months or so now, and the main reason I started biking was to help recover from a serious knee operation. I am 19 years old and I have already had two ACL reconstructions on my left knee, the 2nd one taking place last year and involved a hamstring graft, titanium screws etc... I mainly ride xc atm, but am starting to want to ride more freeride based stuff.

After a few big falls recently, luckily taking pretty big hits on my good knee both times, I have started thinking about knee pads/knee braces.

Another love of mine is skiing, but I was told by the doctors that if I wanted to ski again I would have to wear a brace. So I was thinking, why not buy a brace/knee pads that I can wear for both mountain biking and skiing. So I come across these: ... ef=UKBP00L

But at £550 for the pair, it seems like a lot (although they do look f*cking cool). In some ways maybe I could warrant paying £550 in the future (not right now because I'm a student) but does anybody know of any cheaper alternatives that could do the job? I don't want anything mega cheapo, seen as my knees are quite important to me and seen as I am still young I want to be able to walk when I am older.

Any advice or previous experience with such matters would be great!