Anti German bikes?!

Cannon71 Posts: 92
edited May 2010 in MTB general
Just read the article on the CUDE LTD and there's a German-Bike-Shop-Owner (sparbuch666) that really has it in for Ghost, Cube and Focus! :shock:

He goes on about 'our Oranges' having souls etc, but I've owned a Five in the past and now have a Ghost AMR - the Ghost is at least as good as the Five, and to be honest, there's less bob, more 'directness', it's lighter...

I'm not going to write him of just yet as he comes from the same country, and maybe I'm just worried about my Ghost falling to bits in a year or 2! But surely there's no need for such anti-brand rants.

I tested a load of bikes before buying and the Ghost was the best (Lapierres, Norcos, Scott's...) so any noobs out there, don't listen to everything people say on here! Read the reviews, yes, but try before you buy!


  • bomberesque
    bomberesque Posts: 1,701
    It's exactly like people saying BMW/Audi/VW might be reliable / drive well / get good mileage but they feel like characterless appliances whereas Alfas for all their faults just have that je ne sais quoi

    oh, that's me

    erm..... :oops: :D

    wouldn't worry about it if I were you, he's as welcome to his opinion as you or I and one thing his opinion can't effect is the reality of your bike
    Everything in moderation ... except beer
    Beer in moderation ... is a waste of beer

    If riding an XC race bike is like touching the trail,
    then riding a rigid singlespeed is like licking it
    ... or being punched by it, depending on the day
  • Oxygen Thief
    Oxygen Thief Posts: 649
    Personally I think there's more character in my penis than in an Alfa... :-)
  • bomberesque
    bomberesque Posts: 1,701
    Personally I think there's more character in my penis than in an Alfa... :-)

    that all depends on where you've been sticking your penis ofc

    I vote you classy comment of the day, btw
    Everything in moderation ... except beer
    Beer in moderation ... is a waste of beer

    If riding an XC race bike is like touching the trail,
    then riding a rigid singlespeed is like licking it
    ... or being punched by it, depending on the day
  • Cannon71
    Cannon71 Posts: 92
    Ha! :D I like the car analogy. And the JBJ comment!

    I'm not worried about sparbuch's comments. He obviously has issues and indeed, is entitled to his opinion.

    Perhaps he should emmigrate to the UK. If he can get past Cameron's Border Force.

    ...are they in yet...?