Parents against spending £££s on a MTB ?



  • jenine
    jenine Posts: 22
    my job do-sent involve to much writing, it involves making money from morons that dont pay the money they owe the dyslexic witch is why my spellings are crap, but only stupid people really care about spellings, spellings dont mater when im auctioning off all ur stuff mate!!!!!!
  • onlyonearrow
    onlyonearrow Posts: 157
    My main reason for getting a bike is to get fit to join the Armed Forces when i hit 21, as i find jogging/gym etc boring.

    This seems a good enough reason to me. How much does gym membership cost for year? Bike is much better value.
  • onlyonearrow
    onlyonearrow Posts: 157
    Cheshley wrote:

    Nice to find someone else who is into MTB and Archery!!! (cue all the usual Robin Hood comments....)

    There's a few of us about!! I can think of half a dozen at clubs I shoot with.
  • cgarossi
    cgarossi Posts: 729
    My main reason for getting a bike is to get fit to join the Armed Forces when i hit 21, as i find jogging/gym etc boring.

    Hmm. Cycling is ok but to be fit for the forces you need to get fit by running. And you may as well get used to it because you'll be doing A LOT of it :D
  • joshtp
    joshtp Posts: 3,966
    i sometimes get that.... i just explain why i need/want it, skirt around any expensive sounding details, and pay for it all/as much as pos by my self.... seems to work... my mum+dad still cant get over how much i spend/could spend.
    I like bikes and stuff
  • D-Cyph3r
    D-Cyph3r Posts: 847
    Being 22 and self employed doesn't mean much when your still living at home. Whenever I get a parcel my mum is right there, grilling me for spending more money "on that bloody bike" or "computers and games"...

    Really hope my mate can find a job this summer so we can get a place together and I can receive a parcel without suffering the spanish inquisition.
  • I'm going to do it. I have the money in my bank account. Been there for 6 months. Man it's burning a hole in my pocket !!
