Cuddles checking out the Giro climbs

iainf72 Posts: 15,784
edited May 2010 in Pro race ... ivals.aspx

And kicking Franco and Scarponi's butts.

You're supposed to do the IN the race Cadel :wink:

Trying to remember if he's done a mountain TT before. I can't think of one but they tend to be quite rare.
Fckin' Quintana … that creep can roll, man.


  • Doobz
    Doobz Posts: 2,800
    Stage 16 was the ITT up the Plan de Corones in the 08 Giro but cuddle wasn't there..

    E2a: I still look at the pics and vids from that stage and my legs cringe at the thought of doing it!!
  • It seems to have become a kind of tradition for contenders to ride up the routes of supposed crucial climbs — note how riders from several different teams just happen to be there on the same day, photgraphers at the ready (the photo in that internet piece is an old race photo; Plan de Corones probably still has heaps of snow beside the gravelly track). There'll be articles in the various Italian cycling magazines next month featuring this day out on the bikes.
  • Doobz wrote:
    Stage 16 was the ITT up the Plan de Corones in the 08 Giro but cuddle wasn't there..

    E2a: I still look at the pics and vids from that stage and my legs cringe at the thought of doing it!!

    I was there in 2006 when it was first attempted as a regular stage finish, but they panicked when the weather turned bad and moved the finish down to where the dirt track begins only a couple of hours before the peloton arrived. It was chaos, riders arriving in small groups, shattered and not knowing where their team buses were, having to weave their way through spectators, no security at all. That little Italian woman RAI TV interviewer, Allessandra di Stefano, running around panicking (with TV crew following) yelling at people to get out the way, because she couldn't find anyone to interview.

    Basso, the stage winner on that day, tried to dodge the crowd and take a short cut to where he thought the team had improvised a car park in a field, by nipping behind another bus parked on the roadside, but had to ingloriously reverse back out to the waiting fans, as his way had been blocked by my parked bike chained to a fence post earlier in the day. :)

    Got a snap of Simoni having to 'wheelbarrow' his bike through the parked cars while looking for his team bus.


    Ironically an hour later the weather cleared and it was a glorious clear blue sky for the rest of the day.
  • blazing_saddles
    blazing_saddles Posts: 22,711
    iainf72 wrote:

    And kicking Franco and Scarponi's butts.

    You're supposed to do the IN the race Cadel :wink:

    Trying to remember if he's done a mountain TT before. I can't think of one but they tend to be quite rare.

    Ahh, but you forget. These are the dodgy Eye-talians. :wink:
    I'm a bit disappointed by Simoni.
    I thought he just wanted to ride away, into the Giro sunset, but it appears, with all these flying 38 YOs around, (I see Moreau has joined that club) he wants to discover this fountain of youth.................but can't.
    "Science is a tool for cheaters". An anonymous French PE teacher.