Why do you always have comedy falls in public...?

miss notax
miss notax Posts: 2,572
edited April 2010 in MTB general
Joined some friends for a all-day ride in the Purbecks yesterday which was great fun!

I usually ride last in the group, as i'm the slowest, but at one point turning onto a muddy track I had a load of the guys behind me. At which point my front wheel dug in, I stopped dead, and slowly fell @rse first into a 2ft muddy puddle :evil: :shock: :lol:

We were only about 3 miles into the ride so I spent the whole day with soggy everything! The thing is - why do these things always happen when everyone is watching??! :D
Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the number of moments that take your breath away....

Riding a gorgeous ano orange Turner Burner!

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  • blister pus
    blister pus Posts: 5,780
    Big long climb up a big long hill (road). Gets to the top and pulls off to the gate (countyside). Catch eyes with pretty dog walker on other side of gate as I'm getting off the bike. Back of heel gets stuck on top tube - I lose balance - bounces back 4 steps on one leg in slow motion - falls on arse.

    impressive. 8)
  • mkf
    mkf Posts: 242
    sometime long ago, i remember a harsh climb on a sunny day somewhere in the lakes,
    spots 2 girls resting on top of hill so you naturally put a spurt on, beats the mates to the top give the girls the, hi look at me first to the top type wave, just as my hand is off the bars front wheel drops into a small hole and over the bars i go. mate come over the top see it all laughing their b@ll@cks off. still get ribbed about it to this day. :P
  • D-Cyph3r
    D-Cyph3r Posts: 847
    I was gonna say "I haven't had an embarrassing public fall in years" but then I realised i'd only jinx myse-

  • Torres
    Torres Posts: 1,266
    Left my girlfriends on Saturday morning; clipped in to the road bike. Realised i'd forgotten a load of my gear so turned in the road to head back... overbalanced and fell over... right infront of two dog walkers :oops:
    What We Achieve In Life, Echoes In Eternity
  • Thread8
    Thread8 Posts: 479
    Went to hop up a curb to go down an alleyway, back wheel caught the curb, bike flies forward, I fly backwards and land on my arse in the middle of the road (fortuantly wasnt busy)

    bus stop full of people on the other side :oops:
    Haro Thread 8
    Please help!

    "It's like parkour, on a bike"
  • the only embarrasing thing i've done thats bike related was leave a pair of boxer shorts at the glentress hotel after a weekends riding. got a phonecall from them at about mid day saying we'd left an item of clothing at the hotel. we were half way round innerliethen red route so finished that and then went back to get it, thinking it was an expensive jersey or something. turned out to be my boxers (not even the nice looking ones. it was the 5 year old pair that are nearly torn to shreds, but you wont throw them out because they're sooooo comfortable) :(:(:(
  • .blitz
    .blitz Posts: 6,197
    Friday afternoon I was sessioning (ha!) some roots all pro like and stopped to let a couple of lads come by. They crashed and thought it would be a good idea to hang around at a discrete distance to see how a pro tackles the roots. So I gave it my best shot, weight back then forwards as the front wheel rises, shorts get caught in the RH gear shifter and down I go :oops: :)
  • miss notax
    miss notax Posts: 2,572

    So glad i'm not the only one!!

    Still recovering today, my bum is just about recovered although my legs are still looking a bit scary from riding through several gorse bushes!!!

    All good fun :D
    Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the number of moments that take your breath away....

    Riding a gorgeous ano orange Turner Burner!

    Sponsor the CC2CC at http://www.justgiving.com/cc2cc
  • P-Jay
    P-Jay Posts: 1,478
    Both of mine happened at Cwmcarn on an uplift day.

    1) Stopped after a long day, but the bus was still running, pulled alongside to wave bye to Darrell, but as I put my foot down it just folded underneath me (happens to me occasionally). Went down like a sack of poo, the whole bus erupted because it just looked like I'd forgotten to put my foot down. Bloody hurt! Couldn't put any weight on it for a few days, but the shame hurt more.

    2) Not technically a crash, but the shame lives on.....

    Was riding down, and there were a few pros about that day practicing but they were miles from me and my mates. Spotted a new route I hadn't seen before cutting up into the trees and through "how hard can it be" and went for it. Bit techy in there, muddy/Rooty etc, but it was OK, but the exit back onto the main route was a little 1-2 foot drop, but you had to kinda turn at the same time as it was 90 degrees to the main trail and on a very narrow section - just got spooked by it and slammed on the anchors......... Heard "skiiiiiiid oof", as my mate struggled to stop in the mud and tapped into me, then my mate hit him, then another "skiiiiid oof" then another, and another, and another and another. By hook or by crook it seemed the entire bus load of riders had ether followed us in or just happened to come that way that’s 16 riders (including 3 female Pro’s). As the queue grew my stage fright got worse. Had to dismount and jump down, have my bike passed to me and I rode off as quick as I ever have through that bit, stopped a bit further on and had to stand with my back to the trail as everyone rode past – dying – Gawd blass FF helmets.
  • cee
    cee Posts: 4,553
    comedy falls are only allowed in public.

    this was a law introduced in 1896, one year after the invention of clipless pedals by our good friend and fellow bicycling comedian Charles Hanson.

    Failure to be in public whilst having a comedy fall will immediately put points on your fall card and will almost guarantee you a comedy fall the next time you see anyone, upon which circumstances, the left leg will be set down, whilst the bike topples to the right.

    *note this post may not be accurate
    Whenever I see an adult on a bicycle, I believe in the future of the human race.

    H.G. Wells.
  • Northwind
    Northwind Posts: 14,675
    I had a lovely one on saturday, rushing to get away from a gate where I'd been resting before an immense group of about 40 walkers got in front of me, somehow tramlined the front wheel on basically NOTHING AT ALL and down I went. What can you do, just got up, gave a bow and carried on. Annoyingly for the 5 minutes afterwards I was completely awesome and there was nobody there to see it.
    Uncompromising extremist
  • .blitz
    .blitz Posts: 6,197
    Northwind wrote:
    Annoyingly for the 5 minutes afterwards I was completely awesome and there was nobody there to see it.
    So often the case. Sometimes I am awesome all day but there's never anybody to see it :(:)
  • spongtastic
    spongtastic Posts: 2,651
    They just have to happen. This morning on a totally dry badly rutted bit on the top of a path, decided to unclip and scoot past a local lovely as she walked to work from her houseboat. A nice 'good morning' and then I just fell sideways and down the side of the path, with the right foot failing to release and throwing the bike over me. We both collapsed into a fit of giggles.
    Visit Clacton during the School holidays - it's like a never ending freak show.

    Who are you calling inbred?
  • solarflash
    solarflash Posts: 102
    Was changing tyres and putting some lube on the chain on my lunch break outside. Some people were doing a photoshoot for something nearby.... Gears were playing up a bit so as I pedalled off I was looking down at the cassette. Rode straight into a lamppost much to the amusement of all around :D
  • First time out with a new MTB club went into a rabbit hole going down a hill. Straight over the handlebars. Remounted and descended somewhat gingerly. 100 yards further end rear wheel went from under me and skidded 10 yards on my arse.
  • jay12
    jay12 Posts: 6,306
    so i'm riding on a dh track using my new avid elixirs. was about to stop becasue there was a big log in the way at the start of it. used my front brake without thiking at how powerful it is. i go over the handlebars into some bushes with like 7 people at the top watching me :lol:
  • thel33ter
    thel33ter Posts: 2,684
    I had couple of crashes on a ride with some people from here,

    1. Black rated downhill run - The guy infront of me crashes, I come round the blind corner and kind of avoid his back wheel by flying over the bars.

    2. I'm riding along a flat fireroad, I zone out and ride up the side of the trail and fall over.

    3. I go down summer lightning, make two jumps in a row that everyone else missed. At the bottom Popstar is filming a jump, I misjudge the landing and go flying into a large pile of spiky things and brambles.

    Overall a great day :lol:
    And now you know, and knowing is half the battle
    05 Spesh Enduro Expert
    05 Trek 1000 Custom build
    Speedily Singular Thingy
  • ilovedirt
    ilovedirt Posts: 5,798
    There was a bunch of us sessioning some little doubles, but they were quite closely packed, so were a pain in the arse. There was a little tabletop type thing that i rolled and then took the first double, cased it with my rear wheel a little, so i decided to jump the little tabletop then go over the double, cue me losing loads of speed after jumping the table badly, casing the double landing with my front wheel, going over the bars, flying about ten feet away from the jump and my bike following and landing on me!

    I then go to ride away ten minutes ago and just hop off this little drop, only about a foot or so, (had been going over it all day) my rear QR had come loose and when i landed, my back wheel popped out and i crashed. Of course the only time i crash it is when everybody is watching. My ego was severely bruised that day.

    Also on a boxing day ride last year, rode past a family that had gone for a walk, went through this stupidly muddy rutted patch, my front wheel slipped and i ALMOST fell into the mud, didn't quite, but it didn't look too graceful. Of course i can hear the family behind me giggling...
    Production Privee Shan

    B'Twin Triban 5