Back Pain

Elliot Ross
Elliot Ross Posts: 182
edited April 2010 in MTB general
Hi ya after some serious back problems which are now sorted i decided to go for a nice ride yesterday after 28 miles i got too a hilly road section, now when i ride up hills i get really bad back ache which im sure shouldnt be happening is there anyway to stop this????


elliot :D


  • nonnac85
    nonnac85 Posts: 1,608
    Could be a number of things...saddle height / position on rails and reach of bars. CHange some of the settings and see if a more upright setup helps.
    My Website - Trail Centre info for the UK: MTB Trail Time
  • sounds your back isn't really sorted. I've had similar problems but I'm loathe to give advice as i'm not qualified.

    If you aren't seeing a physio then you should. I was given some back strengthening exercise to do. Nothing scary - it took months to fix and i had to be careful - but it's been fine now for 3-4 yers.
  • Elliot Ross
    Elliot Ross Posts: 182
    i have physio everyday for 3 hours but she says that i need to do biking as it is good for my back, just wondering if there is way to climb hills which can help etc
  • Elliot Ross
    Elliot Ross Posts: 182
    i was only doing road biking on my mountain bike with some slik tyres on but got to this not very steep but very long hill and just got a massive pain in the bottom of my back, should i be climbing hills standing up or sitting down, any ways that can help climbing hills which will help my back would be great
  • Tolk
    Tolk Posts: 775
    Might be your Core muscles. Do you rock your back from side to side when climbing? My physio gave me some exercises to do, and I've noticed while i stile get aches, it's got a lot lot better, and my riding has improved because of it.
  • Elliot Ross
    Elliot Ross Posts: 182
    i seem to lean back a bit when im going up a hill but i dont go side to side i sit down and just push on. Is there a way to tackle hills??? Either standing up or sitting down?