cool little video

welshkev Posts: 9,690
edited March 2010 in MTB general
they make it look so easy!!!! :shock: ... a8287c0129


  • Mastineo
    Mastineo Posts: 182
    Would give him a good run for his money on the quad, but the actual cycling - he rides up DH tracks quicker than I can ride down them.
  • Johnny Napalm
    Johnny Napalm Posts: 1,458
    That's not's dry!
    SS Inbred
    Mongoose Teocali Super
  • PamPen25
    PamPen25 Posts: 111
    Good riders 8) ........But oh my god, not a brain cell between the pair of them!!!

    Obviously biking is the only education they've ever had (not that it's a bad thing!)
  • Allan@ur
    Allan@ur Posts: 32
    PamPen25 wrote:
    Good riders 8) ........But oh my god, not a brain cell between the pair of them!!!

  • Northwind
    Northwind Posts: 14,675
    Bryceland always does give the impression he's spent too much time sniffing glue doesn't he?
    Uncompromising extremist
  • Johnny Napalm
    Johnny Napalm Posts: 1,458
    Did remind me of Beavis and Butthead at the beginning! :wink:

    I've rode with Peaty (in a fashion). I don't know him personally, but a couple of my friends do, and we ended up tagging along with my mate, Peaty, and approx. 8 or 9 others one evening in Wharncliffe. You're right about the speed he goes up hills. I'd just got to the top of Heart Attack Hill, and he came up behind us at a very impressive pace indeed. I thought it was someone on a motor bike!

    When everyone had got to the top, we joined them for the rest of the ride. There were some very good riders there, but Peaty just left everyone standing...blink and he's gone.

    We also went to Dalby later that year and again he was there...I'm sure he lapped us all! :shock:

    I was up in Wharncliffe this morning and saw a film crew up there again today.
    SS Inbred
    Mongoose Teocali Super
  • bfreeman0
    bfreeman0 Posts: 119
    so frieken fast how do they focus on where they are going rather than those nice tall pole things called trees