Tony Doyle and UK Bike Skills

eyepic Posts: 58
edited March 2010 in MTB general
A mate and I have just had a day with Tony.

I must admit I find it hard to express just how worthwhile I found the teaching....

Tony started by checking out our skill levels..... Tony. Just in case you forget..... I am the one who paniced at a 3 inch log... looked down jammed my brakes on and went base over apex.

Tony checked I was OK and not hurt... my mate laughed.... in a ladylike way (cos she is a lady).

By the end of the day I was doing 1 mere high jumps/drops.

Tony you worked wonders... Thank you.



  • hoochylala
    hoochylala Posts: 987
    The more I read threads like this (there was another one the other week praising Tony) the more I am considering getting some coaching - I certainly need it! :) afaik Tony is pretty local to me.

    I assume your coaching was on a 2:1 ratio then? What was the going rate if you don't mind me asking?
  • eyepic
    eyepic Posts: 58
    The Day was £200 for the 2 of us.... When I say day I mean Day... Tony set no time limit he was happy to keep going as long as we were able to maintain our concentration.

    We took lessons after reading some one who said someting like "£150 spent upgrading the rider with lessond was worth more than £500 upgrading the bike".

    I really belive that that is true. I would never have belived that my mate and I would have ended the day doung some of the things we did. The man is a star.

    I fully intend recomending lessons to all of my mates.
  • hoochylala
    hoochylala Posts: 987
    Thank you very much for letting me know. Think I might look into booking a session. I will hold you responsible if I'm still crap afterwards :)
  • eyepic
    eyepic Posts: 58
    I have faith you won't be..

  • Jedi
    Jedi Posts: 827
    thank you for your kind words. keep working on the skills areas and keep me updated on future rides :)