PTP - Milan-San Remo



  • afx237vi
    afx237vi Posts: 12,630
    Congrats Arkibal, csp and Ridgerider.

    Scores from Milan-San Remo
    Name              Score
    1    Arkibal              50
    2    csp                  50
    3    Ridgerider           50
    4    Abdoujaparov         40
    5    alanmcn1             40
    6    Bronzie              40
    7    brucey72             40
    8    Cumulonimbus         40
    9    Dazza2280            40
    10   FJS                  40
    11   guinea               40
    12   iainf72              40
    13   Jokull               40
    14   jp1985               40
    15   LangerDan            40
    16   mididoctors          40
    17   miffed               40
    18   millar time          40
    19   NicFrance            40
    20   pb21                 40
    21   Pokerface            40
    22   Rick Chasey          40
    23   Snorebens            40
    24   thomasmc             40
    25   Timoid.              40
    26   8can                 35
    27   afx237vi             35
    28   archieboy            35
    29   eh                   35
    30   Kléber               35
    31   Pross                35
    32   TakeTheHighRoad      35
    33   Allez Mark           25
    34   andyp                25
    35   Ash_                 25
    36   camerone             25
    37   dougzz               25
    38   Garrigou             25
    39   graham56             25
    40   greeny12             25
    41   Greggyr              25
    42   HenryS               25
    43   hommelbier           25
    44   johnfinch            25
    45   PascalPati           25
    46   richard w/a baum     25
    47   Richrd2205           25
    48   scwxx77              25
    49   skut                 25
    50   slimreaper           25
    51   Tusher               25
    52   BikeMissle           20
    53   Dave_1               20
    54   kitten2010           20
    55   oscarbudgie          20
    56   Oz Chief             20
    57   stagehopper          20
    58   RichN95              10
    59   Cheshire_Cat         5
    60   dodsi                5
    61   GroupOfOne           5
    62   Neil McC             5
    63   NervexProf           5
    64   Art Vandelay         0
    65   bring_back_jan       0
    66   Cal_Stewart          0
    67   calvjones            0
    68   DaveyL               0
    69   DavMartinR           0
    70   deal                 0
    71   deejay               0
    72   French Fries         0
    73   gattocattivo         0
    74   Gazzaputt            0
    75   haggisinlondon       0
    76   inkyfingers          0
    77   jimycooper           0
    78   johnmclean           0
    79   josame               0
    80   ju5t1n               0
    81   liamg                0
    82   londonrunner         0
    83   Monty Dog            0
    84   Moomaloid            0
    85   mr_poll              0
    86   Ms Tree              0
    87   ninjaslim            0
    88   Noodley              0
    89   paul27               0
    90   percival             0
    91   petejuk              0
    92   ratsbeyfus           0
    93   redddragon           0
    94   Rhods                0
    95   SecretSqirrel        0
    96   seven7faces          0
    97   ShockedSoShocked     0
    98   simon johnson        0
    99   Slapshot             0
    100  Sonny73              0
    101  stanislav            0
    102  stefrees             0
    103  stfc1                0
    104  stjohnswell          0
    105  tforonda             0
    106  The Prodigy          0
    107  TheStone             0
 ... Ms6bgNmXhw
  • Kléber
    Kléber Posts: 6,842
    Thanks AFX. Looks like FJS extends his lead!
  • ridgerider
    ridgerider Posts: 2,852
    Just as my beautiful Freire was racking up some early season points, I was riding an almost identical route in the uk from Eastbourne to Hastings along the Sussex Riviera,,,how spooky
    Half man, Half bike
  • ridgerider
    ridgerider Posts: 2,852
    Kléber wrote:
    Thanks AFX. Looks like FJS extends his lead!
    Or you could have said... "Looks like Ridgerider is off the bottom of the table".
    Half man, Half bike
  • Tusher
    Tusher Posts: 2,762
    At last! I have a few points- thanks afx, it really added something extra to watching the race today.
  • spent all ay telling people Boonen would win, and only just realised I picked EBH. Bad form.
    "A cyclist has nothing to lose but his chain"

    PTP Runner Up 2015
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241
    RichN95 wrote:
    It's so open this year I reckon there will be a surprise winner:

    Maxim Iglinskiy

    (I originally put Petacchi, but decided to gamble)

    This illustrates something that I mentioned before in the PTP thread. Maxim came 8th (and did anyone else even consider him?) That shows better punditry than picking a favourite like Boonen. A bit of flair and gambling.

    I've said it before, but unique choices should count double.
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • csp
    csp Posts: 777
    I think PTP is about picking winners,. Only three people picked Freire, so that should also count as a unique choice.
  • FJS
    FJS Posts: 4,820
    I agree with RichN95 - although the admin of recording unique winners would be unworkable for afx or anyone else doing the scoring. There is also the thing with others copying what initially was a unique, original choice. If someone would have copied your Iglinsky pick, would that make your original choice less original? But perhaps extra points for winners would already help - the safe/sensible bet currently is often someone likely to win the bunch sprint, even if 2nd or 3rd after a breakaway; especially in the stages of small tours.
  • csp
    csp Posts: 777
    Don't get me wrong, I think picking someone unique is great. I hated to see the names of EBH and Boonen page after page, but I don't think extra points should be awarded for picking someone, that nobody else picked. Last year I uniquely picked Gerdemann for Eroica (he was 5th) and Astarloza for one Tour stage (he was 1st), but I wouldn't have wanted any extra points for that.
  • Cumulonimbus
    Cumulonimbus Posts: 1,730
    Maybe you could have the return on the starting odds at the bookies? ie, voeckler wins a breakaway at 50-1 to win the stage, 50 points goes to anyone who picked him. Cav has starting odds of 3-1 and wins the bunch sprint, 3 points go to the people who picked him. Gets a bit awkward once you get down to points with fifth place and all the decimals.

    and no, im not volunteering to do it :wink:
  • Kléber
    Kléber Posts: 6,842
    It works well already.

    To use the example of betting odds, they are always long as there is rarely a favourite, especially for one day races and stages. Even picking Boonen for the Tour of Flanders is never a sure thing; Contador is perhaps the ultimate "banker" but he only just won Paris-Nice and had his crash been harder then he could have abandoned. In other words there are no "dead certs" in the sport, it's open to tactics, the weather and more. That's what makes the sport so interesting. I would get bored following Manchester Utd verus Wigan for example, the likely result means I'd spend my time watching something else.

    I don't see the game as broke so it doesn't need fixing, especially since changes imply a lot more admin work. Besides, if you make a unique pick and you win... then you win, well done! 8)
  • Cumulonimbus
    Cumulonimbus Posts: 1,730
    Yeah i generally agree, its not as if everyone picked the winner of MSR or even got a high place.* For those of us who spend too much time scanning through cycling results it would be interesting to see a pick an outsider choice although people would then argue about what an outsider was defined as. And again, im not volunteering for it, i spend too much time looking through cycling results to have time to do that as well :wink: At the end of the day, if you keep on picking outsiders that win or place then maybe you should be spending more time down the bookies than on this forum :wink:

    *of cyclingnews' favourites for MSR

    Boonen - 2nd
    Pozzatto - 29th
    EBH -100+
    Pettacchi - 3rd
    Cancellara - 17th

    Freire, the winner was ranked 9th.
  • afx237vi
    afx237vi Posts: 12,630
    WRT to the idea about unique picks getting more points, wouldn't that penalise people who post their picks early in the thread and benefit the people who leave it until the last minute? I dunno, I think that would only be fair if we had a secret ballot type method of posting picks.

    I do agree that the "Contador problem" sometimes leads to boring PTP threads, but I also think csp is right - PTP is about naming winners. I'm not really sure what the solution is, other than maybe banning certain selections when the winner is overwhelmingly obvious. But then as Kléber says - nothing in cycling is ever an absolute dead-cert.
  • stfc1
    stfc1 Posts: 505
    RichN95 wrote:
    RichN95 wrote:
    It's so open this year I reckon there will be a surprise winner:

    Maxim Iglinskiy

    (I originally put Petacchi, but decided to gamble)

    This illustrates something that I mentioned before in the PTP thread. Maxim came 8th (and did anyone else even consider him?) That shows better punditry than picking a favourite like Boonen. A bit of flair and gambling.

    I've said it before, but unique choices should count double.

    I think it's possible to take things too seriously! I scored nothing for Pozzato, but he had a go in the final 2km and it was a bit of fun. Which, let's face it, is what PTP is.

    Afx does a sterling job, I say we leave him to it.
  • andyp
    andyp Posts: 10,477
    RichN95 wrote:

    This illustrates something that I mentioned before in the PTP thread. Maxim came 8th (and did anyone else even consider him?) That shows better punditry than picking a favourite like Boonen. A bit of flair and gambling.

    I've said it before, but unique choices should count double.

    Surely those displaying the best punditry (is that even a word!) for MSR were the people who picked Freire? I picked Bennati, who beat your pick by 3 places, ergo my punditry skills are better than yours for that race, but not as good as those who picked Freire, Boonen or Petacchi (no-one picked Modolo).

    Over the course of a season it is the person who consistently does well who wins. Surely that's how it should be?
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241
    stfc1 wrote:

    I think it's possible to take things too seriously! I scored nothing for Pozzato, but he had a go in the final 2km and it was a bit of fun. Which, let's face it, is what PTP is.

    Afx does a sterling job, I say we leave him to it.

    If I was taking it seriously I would have picked Boonen. AFX does indeed do a superb job and there's nothing really wrong with the game as it stands.

    But it's worth airing suggestions for improvements, even if they are flawed. Maybe it's because I'm a hockey player - a sport that without fail changes the rules every single season (usually for the better).
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • FJS
    FJS Posts: 4,820
    RichN95 wrote:
    If I was taking it seriously I would have picked Boonen. AFX does indeed do a superb job and there's nothing really wrong with the game as it stands.
    There already is a bonus for original picks, although not in points, but simply in the satisfaction of it - I enjoyed the 5 points I got for Lorenzetto in a Paris-Nice stage a lot more than the 40 for Boonen on Saturday. It's just like cycling - the most impressive attack doesn't always win, but still can get rewards through admiration
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    I think the current system rewards gambles.

    If everyone's gone for the favourite and your outside bet wins, you get a fair few points on all the other players.

    Similarly if your outside bet doesn't win, you lose ground to everyone esle.

    The reward for an outsider winning is definitely bigger than the reward for picking a favourite in terms of relative performance.