Looking for 1 1/4" Threadless Aheadset Steerer extende

acov Posts: 2
edited January 2010 in Road beginners

I recently bought a Revolution Cuillin Disc Pro 09

Handlebars are as folows: Tioga 30mm-rise MTB bars, 31.8mm centre, on 15 degree-rise Tioga alloy Aheadstem

basically it is a threadless "Aheadset" headstet with a 1 1/4" (31.8mm) diameter.

I have lower back problems and need to raise the height of my handlebars.

I have bought a Systemex Adjustable AStem and this helps alter the angle at which the handlebars ar at in relation to the steerer, making the bike a lot more comfortable, however, I still need to raise them a bit more

As it says on the tin....

I am searching for a 1 1/4" (31.8mm) Threadless Aheadset Steerer extender.

Does anyone know of anyone who makes these? Or where I might find one?

The only companies I have found who once made them (Dia Come, King Cylce) appear to have disbanded their old models.

Any help or advice appreciated
