Stuck indoors

Neillyy Posts: 15
edited January 2010 in Road beginners
I was wandering who is brave enough to to take their skinny racing tyres out onto the frosty roads?

Christmas ruined by never ending frost :(


  • peanut1978
    peanut1978 Posts: 1,031
    been about 4" of snow on local roads here!!!

    haven't been out for 10 days
  • I went out a couple of times (in the peak district) but it was pretty icy. Still is. I want to go out tomorrow but it seems to be snowing again.
    It doesn't bode well for commuting on monday.
  • stagger
    stagger Posts: 116
    aye its pretty, but pretty grim for road biking in the peak district, especially off the main roads and those have some nasty ice streaks

    managed to get out for the first time in almost 2 weeks yesterday, was below freezing all day. managed 3 hours before I seized up....

    snow again today and cant get out of my drive
  • I cant get out as Im waiting on a chain to be delivered after mine snapped on friday...
  • bobtbuilder
    bobtbuilder Posts: 1,537
    I went out yesterday and am going out again tomorrow.

    I had to stick to A roads and major B roads, as all the lanes were horribly icy.
  • smeev
    smeev Posts: 105
    i went out for a 20 mile ride on boxing day & the 28th. was about -1 to 0 deg, then it snowed, so went to gym & done my "hours" in there. happy days.
    Special eyes 4 ever....
  • sturmey
    sturmey Posts: 964
    Get a Turbo!
    No black ice in garage.
  • Flasheart
    Flasheart Posts: 1,278
    I went out yesterday and am going out again tomorrow.

    I had to stick to A roads and major B roads, as all the lanes were horribly icy.

    All we have are lanes around here.
    I went out on Friday morning and there was ice on every road. I did 15 rather slow and careful miles and came home :cry:
    I took a walk up the High Street yesterday and it looked just as bad so I'm not risking it.

    No ££ for a turbo after Xmas either
    The universal aptitude for ineptitude makes any human accomplishment an incredible miracle. ...Stapp’s Ironical Paradox Law
  • hugo15
    hugo15 Posts: 1,101
    It's three weeks since I was last out on the road :( . Not much sign of the snow shifting this next week either judging by the forecast.
  • ademort
    ademort Posts: 1,924
    Neillyy wrote:
    I was wandering who is brave enough to to take their skinny racing tyres out onto the frosty roads?

    Christmas ruined by never ending frost :(
    Do you mean brave enough or stupid enough. Where i live in the last ten days theres been only a couple of days where any cycling has been possible.Since friday evening it,s again been impossible and the outlook for the coming week is also very poor. I really envy those who have been able to get out but quite frankly you would need to be more than a fool to try it here in these conditions. :cry:
    Chinarello, record and Mavic Cosmic Sl
    Gazelle Vuelta , veloce
    Giant Defy 4
    Mirage Columbus SL
    Batavus Ventura
  • Mapman
    Mapman Posts: 254
    Went out about 2 weeks ago in what ithought was an "ice free " window . Managed to find some black ice on a corner and down i went ,onto exactly the same hip that i broke 3 yrs ago. ... As i was lying there wondering if i would be able to get up i decided that if Mr Thermometer went under O ..I WAS STAYING AT HOME . luckly i could walk ,and apart from loss of skin down my leg i was ok . To be honest its not worth the risk All the best and seasons greetings
  • Buckled_Rims
    Buckled_Rims Posts: 1,648
    Been out once in the last 3 weeks here. I'm scared I'll forget how to ride the damn bike by the time it thaws!
    Kona Jake the Snake
    Merlin Malt 4
  • kingrollo
    kingrollo Posts: 3,198
    Neillyy wrote:
    I was wandering who is brave enough to to take their skinny racing tyres out onto the frosty roads?

    Christmas ruined by never ending frost :(

    Well brave enough to do my short 25 miles road route on my MTB .................Also stupid, As i fell off on sheet ice ! (take your pick)
  • MikeWW
    MikeWW Posts: 723
    Been out a few times over Christmas on the road but stuck to the main roads today as it was down to -2 at one point. Other than that used the mountain bike a fair bit. Managed to find some cross races as well although one got called off and one I couldn't get to cos there was too much snow up round Bakewell yesterday. Other than that had to resort to the turbo and rollers. Will be glad when the ice goes
  • coxy84
    coxy84 Posts: 45
    been out everyday for the past few days but been pretty quick rides sticking to all main roads, thought my face was going to freeze solid earlier today. :shock:

    hopefully the spring summer shall bring some lovely days which we will appreciate all the more :D
  • Did 50 slow miles today. It took me all my time to stay upright. Loads of ice & frost around at 8:45. Good to be out though. Just take the corners very slowly
  • Bobbinogs
    Bobbinogs Posts: 4,841
    "been out everyday for the past few days but been pretty quick rides"

    Yepp, my philosphy is to ride fast so that I get home before I have an accident :wink: [/quote]
  • nanox
    nanox Posts: 15
    All roads here are covered in a thick layer of snow turned ice, and since it's been very cold lately (-9 right now and -17 last night!!), I doubt it will melt anytime soon :cry:

    I'm going to stick to the trainer, which suits me just fine, as for some reason I get extremely dizzy in cold weather, weird..
  • Although it is not as bad here in Greater London as some of you have it I still decided against taking the road bike out. Instead I got out my trail bike and went out along the Grand Union canal to Camden then picked up the Thames path back to Brentford.
    I'd forgotten how much harder work it is on a heavy bike along muddy towpaths! Still, quite nice scenery and a reasonable 42 mile work out.

  • bobtbuilder
    bobtbuilder Posts: 1,537
    62.5 miles for me today, so I'm off and running in the metric century challenge. Still A and major B roads only though. :cry:
  • carl_p
    carl_p Posts: 989
    Well I haven't been out for the best part of 4 weeks now. Very frustrating :(, especially as I purposefully built up a bike for winter use.

    I normally bike on country lanes, which have been quite treacherous where the sun hasn't thawed the ice. Can't see the point in just tip toeing around.

    Hitting the gym big time first thing before work tomorrow so I'm still maintaining fitness. Spin classes give me a good sweat on.
    Specialized Venge S Works
    Cannondale Synapse
    Enigma Etape
    Genesis Flyer Single Speed

    Turn the corner, rub my eyes and hope the world will last...
  • Bill D
    Bill D Posts: 62
    Gales & rain, then flu, then snow now ice. Flu just atarting to clear off after nearly 3 weeks. +6lbs over Xmas: can't wait to get on the bike again. Will start with some gentle turbo sessions when I can breathe again without coughing. No lack of motivation to train at the moment: just need the body to play along.
  • bennj
    bennj Posts: 76
    been out a few times over the festive period, after building up a new winter bike.

    15 squeaky bum miles in the lakes on the 28th Dec (very icy) and felt a bit foolish rather than hardcore!

    Then two absolutely brilliant 30+ mile rides in Arran off the west coast of Scotland on New Years eve/day couple of pics:

    at sea level

    at the top!


    And I have to say was hard work but stunning at the top and not really very icy at all.

    Still back to the turbo and sufferfest tonight methinks :roll:
    STOP!......... Carry on!

    Roadie FCN 2
    when commuting FCN 5
    MTB FCN 10