Looking for first road bike- Around £500

hilza Posts: 43
edited January 2010 in Road beginners
I'm a 17 year old girl buying my first road bike, as my trusty mountain just isn't up to my city/road riding. I tend to ride to college/round town but also go on long rides out of the city so I thinking more road bike than hybrid. Noticed the Specialized Secteur in my local shop, I don't particularly want to buy online if I can't try it at all-
http://www.mailordercycles.com/products ... 1b0s6p1087

Would this be an adequate starter bike or are there better? I really can't afford more than that price either.

Thanks, Hilary


  • hopper1
    hopper1 Posts: 4,389
    Hi Hilary,
    Specialized make good bikes, but I think that the spec of this bike is a little low at this price. Do you really need a triple chainset?
    I know the trek is a little over your budget, but you may be able to find a cheaper offer... Trek 1.2
    Ah, here's one at £495
    These are both compact chainsets, with a better groupset than the Secteur. Better lookers, too :wink:

    Giant also offer a few bikes worth looking at.
    What other makes are stocked local to you?
    Start with a budget, finish with a mortgage!
  • smeev
    smeev Posts: 105
    i would definately reconmend going 2 your LBS & asking 4 a test ride. Then if you like it, you can obviously buy it or possibly buy the same model online 4 a cheaper price. Although, i would reconmend buying it from your LBS, because they can set the bike up for you. I brought a spesh allez 16 & has been excellent in the 7 weeks that i have had it.
    Do you live far from the mdlands??
    The LBS that i brought mine from (brotherton Cycles) were extremely helpful & are spesh authorized distributers. Plus if you buy any spesh road bike, they will give you £50 to spend in the shop on the obvious essentials.
    Special eyes 4 ever....
  • hilza
    hilza Posts: 43
    edited January 2010
    I'm in Leicester, and my LBS is a Spesh dealer, I think they only do those and Bromptons properly, and they have a few random BMXs and an Ambrosio bike I look at in the window everytime I go past, aaah- so pretty. Ah yes I noticed the Allez 16 and 24, but from a quick glance the Sectuer seemed more suitable, I could obviously upgrade the tires to more durable ones, but that's just more money/hassle when I'm wanting a new bike fairly quickly. How is the Allez 16, should I maybe consider that and how many miles have you done on it already? I don't know enough really to understand the differences between the two- but frankly I do think the Secteur's sexier... Wow, that £50 goodies deal sounds great!
  • hilza
    hilza Posts: 43
    hopper1 wrote:
    Hi Hilary,
    Specialized make good bikes, but I think that the spec of this bike is a little low at this price. Do you really need a triple chainset?
    I know the trek is a little over your budget, but you may be able to find a cheaper offer... Trek 1.2
    Ah, here's one at £495
    These are both compact chainsets, with a better groupset than the Secteur. Better lookers, too :wink:

    Giant also offer a few bikes worth looking at.
    What other makes are stocked local to you?

    I'm still new to this, what is the difference/advantage of not/having a triple chainset? Oh I think the Secteur's sexier personally ;)
  • smeev
    smeev Posts: 105
    my spesh double has been superb from when i had it, not had any problems with it whatso ever. I think the secteur had a slight longer wheel base than the allez.
    The triple & double scenario i suppose all up to you, i supose if you are in an area where there is step hills, then the extra smaller chainring will come in handy. Again its all up 2 personal preference. The LBS with advise you to have the triple if you are new to road biking, but obviously you are not from your MTB.
    I went for the double because i am a bit of a traditionist, back in my day it was 10 speed, but not with a 10 speed cassette, but 5 gears & a double chainring...good ole days.
    If you need anymore help, just ask.
    Special eyes 4 ever....
  • hopper1
    hopper1 Posts: 4,389
    Options are:
    Compact. (Double).
    Standard (Double).
    Don't go for standard double, it's for more experienced, strong riders.
    A compact is more popular, gives most of the options of a triple, but is lighter.
    Problem with the Secteur is the low end groupset and wheels.
    At the end of the day, it's what you like. If you buy a bike that you like, you're going to use it. If you don't, you wont :shock:
    Next time your passing your LBS, STOP! Walk in and have a chat, they should be very helpful, but don't be pushed onto something you don't want.
    Start with a budget, finish with a mortgage!
  • hopper1
    hopper1 Posts: 4,389
    Just saw this on another thread in this section.
    Looks like a lot of bike for the price!
    Start with a budget, finish with a mortgage!
  • smeev
    smeev Posts: 105
    i know, i want 1...... :cry:
    Special eyes 4 ever....
  • hopper1
    hopper1 Posts: 4,389
    smeev wrote:
    i know, i want 1...... :cry:

    Easy.... website.... Add to.... Checkout now.... :wink:
    Start with a budget, finish with a mortgage!
  • Yes would highly recommend! And it comes with a white seat - it looks the business - a very sexy ride!
  • smeev
    smeev Posts: 105
    hopper1 wrote:
    smeev wrote:
    i know, i want 1...... :cry:

    Easy.... website.... Add to.... Checkout now.... :wink:

    Unfortunately not, the bank(wife) wont give me any more money.......will have to make do with wot i have got.....which isnt that bad. The upgardes start now...
    Special eyes 4 ever....