Saddle bag or....?



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  • mattsccm
    mattsccm Posts: 409
    Smallest Specialized bag is more than big enough. Actually its too big for road or cx. 3 allen keys do all bolts. 1 tube a 1 gas cylinder. What else is needed on a cyclo cross bike. Only needed 1 tube in 18 months 5 days a week. Munchies in back pockets. Maybe a fiver as wll as its light. Phone why? Raining I wear my jacket, other wise it stays at home. Maybe 4 rides longer than half day it will go in rear pocket.
    MTB has a gear hanger and a bigger tube.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    I have 2 matching 750ml water bottles with wide necks. I use one for fluid and the other I can fit in repair kit, mini pump 2 tubes levers, tyre boot and multitool. I just stop at a shop or garage to replenish and carry my phone and food in pockets. Don't like the look of saddle bags or pumps attached to the frames of bikes, cluttery. Pockets on the jersey were designed in for food for racers, also helps if you come off if you dont have a tool/pump/levers digging into your kidneys. :wink: