Rear wheel spin in sprints

akcc05 Posts: 336
edited September 2009 in Road beginners
I'm not sure if it is just me but every time I sprint for the next sign my rear wheel loses grip and spins in the power strokes, though only for split second, even on perfectly dry and smooth roads. I'm no powerful rider nor do I have a particularly stiff bike. I can't even sprint faster than 30/31mph on the flats. I am a light rider though, at 5"10 and 134lbs, I usually run 115psi in my 23c Michelin Krylion Carbons. My sprint gear ratios are usually 50/13 or 50/14, I think.
Is anyone else having the same problems? The pros seem to shift their weight much more forward then I do and I can't see them having the same problem so what do you guys think it is?


  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Sounds like maybe, during your violent throwing of the machine in your awesome display of QuadPower(tm), the back wheel my be lifting a tiny bit thus losing traction...
  • akcc05
    akcc05 Posts: 336
    Ah...a matter of skill then (or the lack of it!)...seems like more training and trial and error sessions should help solve the problem.
    Thanks NapD
  • akcc05 wrote:
    I'm not sure if it is just me but every time I sprint for the next sign my rear wheel loses grip and spins in the power strokes, though only for split second, even on perfectly dry and smooth roads. I'm no powerful rider nor do I have a particularly stiff bike. I can't even sprint faster than 30/31mph on the flats. I am a light rider though, at 5"10 and 134lbs, I usually run 115psi in my 23c Michelin Krylion Carbons. My sprint gear ratios are usually 50/13 or 50/14, I think.
    Is anyone else having the same problems? The pros seem to shift their weight much more forward then I do and I can't see them having the same problem so what do you guys think it is?

    i get the same ...thought it was my poor technique once i get motoring into the 30-35 zone....obviously thanks to Napd I know its down to my uberpowerouterputen...

    which is obviously a registered trade name as well :wink:

    Great club in and around the Warrington area.
  • lfcquin
    lfcquin Posts: 470
    I was just sitting here thinking that it happens to me too, but then I started thinking that I don't remember it happening when I am racing which seems odd. Now either I just don't remember it because I am more worried about getting over the finish line in the best position or I do something different. Only thing that comes to mind is when I am on my own I'll tend to be on the hoods and higher out of the saddle because of it, when I am racing I am on the drops and my backside is further over the saddle.

    Me thinks I think too much.... :roll:
  • Monty Dog
    Monty Dog Posts: 20,614
    Weight is too far forward - as you suggest get your hands on the drops and your weight more centred over the bike - sprinting from the drops is the most 'powerful' position on the bike as it utilises more muscle groups - hurts like hell too!
    Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..
  • teagar
    teagar Posts: 2,100
    Borrow a fixie and try a few sprints on that.

    Will soon sort your technique out.

    Sounds to me like you're not pedalling smooth enough.
    Note: the above post is an opinion and not fact. It might be a lie.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    lfcquin wrote:
    I was just sitting here thinking that it happens to me too, but then I started thinking that I don't remember it happening when I am racing which seems odd. Now either I just don't remember it because I am more worried about getting over the finish line in the best position or I do something different. Only thing that comes to mind is when I am on my own I'll tend to be on the hoods and higher out of the saddle because of it, when I am racing I am on the drops and my backside is further over the saddle.

    Me thinks I think too much.... :roll:

    Considering how well you've been doing, I think you may be right!!
  • akcc05
    akcc05 Posts: 336
    Smooth pedaling and throwing the bike too much seem like reasonable explainations. But if shifting the body weight too far forward is another reason, how can the pros sprint with that kind of power on bikes that are a size or two too small with 140mm stems?
  • They are not attempting to sprint on a 50x13/14 but on 53/54 11/12 so putting more tourqe/ power down.
    As an example ride up a hill/rise that you know or do regular ride it on the big ring out of the saddle on a bigger gear then normal it will hurt but you will not get wheel spin, the same applies to sprinting as you have a tendency to put your weight back, and yep i ain't finished yet what lenth cranks are you using the norm now is 172.5 or 175 unless you are really small short thighed, when i raced i always tried to stay on the big ring as long as possible on climbs due to the power and less chance of wheel spin and if some one attacked over the top it was easier to respond
  • akcc05
    akcc05 Posts: 336
    Yeah, now that you mentioned it, I ride 170 cranks and I'm 5"10 with longer legs than most 5"10 guys out there. I chose 170 cranks because I found 175 less responsive to change of tempo, it actually really noticeable despite the tiny half centimeter difference.
    And yeah, my local hills have sections of really steep turns and I quite often lose traction on the rear when riding 39/23 or 25 over even the smallest fallen branch.
    I'm 5"10 and 134lbs so it seemed obvious to me to ride a 39/50 combo and 170 cranks as I know that I lack the power on the flats but light enough in the hills. I also thought a 170 cranks would allow me to rely more on cadence rather than power. Is this something that I am better off changing next time I upgrade or is it mainly down to personal preference?
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    akcc05 wrote:
    Yeah, now that you mentioned it, I ride 170 cranks and I'm 5"10 with longer legs than most 5"10 guys out there. I chose 170 cranks because I found 175 less responsive to change of tempo, it actually really noticeable despite the tiny half centimeter difference.And yeah, my local hills have sections of really steep turns and I quite often lose traction on the rear when riding 39/23 or 25 over even the smallest fallen branch.
    I'm 5"10 and 134lbs so it seemed obvious to me to ride a 39/50 combo and 170 cranks as I know that I lack the power on the flats but light enough in the hills. I also thought a 170 cranks would allow me to rely more on cadence rather than power. Is this something that I am better off changing next time I upgrade or is it mainly down to personal preference?

    Try telling my wife that.
  • akcc05
    akcc05 Posts: 336
  • I would suggest you alter your crank lenth try 172.5 first, and maybe try a 52 outer ring as apposed to 53, i see a lot of people who pedal away like mad when there is no need to, it just comes down to experiance.
    So good luck and just experiment.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    How does one acquire QUAD POWER (tm) ?
  • Nuggs
    Nuggs Posts: 1,804
    NapoleonD wrote:
    akcc05 wrote:
    it actually really noticeable despite the tiny half centimeter difference.
    Try telling my wife that.
    You'd be worried if he told you he already did.

    Careful what you wish for!
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Nuggs wrote:
    NapoleonD wrote:
    akcc05 wrote:
    it actually really noticeable despite the tiny half centimeter difference.
    Try telling my wife that.
    You'd be worried if he told you he already did.

    Careful what you wish for!

    At least it would mean she has some libido!
  • Bhima
    Bhima Posts: 2,145
    giner1961 wrote:
    They are not attempting to sprint on a 50x13/14 but on 53/54 11/12 so putting more tourqe/ power down.

    53x14-18 - any higher and they'd be going at a super-low RPM - maybe you've been watching too many slow-motion replays. :lol:
  • hopper1
    hopper1 Posts: 4,389
    I get rear wheel spin/ skipping when I try a little hard acceleration! :wink:
    I put it down to poor positioning and poor pedalling technique, I get too far forward over my bars and pull too hard on the 'up' stroke.
    I wish it was UberPower.... :roll:
    Start with a budget, finish with a mortgage!
  • I have a present for you! An umlaut U.


    Now copy-paste this and correct your poor spelling of über. :D
    1,000km+ a month, strictly road.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    hopper1 wrote:
    and pull too hard on the 'up' stroke.

    Have you tried baby oil?
  • whyamihere
    whyamihere Posts: 7,719
    Bhima wrote:
    giner1961 wrote:
    They are not attempting to sprint on a 50x13/14 but on 53/54 11/12 so putting more tourqe/ power down.

    53x14-18 - any higher and they'd be going at a super-low RPM - maybe you've been watching too many slow-motion replays. :lol:
    No, the sprinters at the end of stages will be using 53-11/12. Cav, for example, due to his track background, spins quicker than the rest, he's on record saying that he sprints on the 13 cog, which is lower than his rivals.

    Super low RPM? 90rpm on 53-11 gives just under 35mph, nowhere near unreasonable for pro sprinters.
  • Bhima
    Bhima Posts: 2,145
    I was thinking of Cav who can sometimes get to 150RPM

    I've never seen any sprinters doing 90RPM - they do approx 110 minimum from what I can see.
  • redddraggon
    redddraggon Posts: 10,862
    Bhima is actually right for once. Pro Sprinting is done at around 140rpm in the 53-13/14.
    I like bikes...
