pins and needles

rigger123 Posts: 5
edited August 2009 in Road beginners
Hi is it just getting used to the position or is there somthing wrong I am suffering with almost dead arms after riding for over an hour I am quite new is it that or are some adjustments needed


  • skyd0g
    skyd0g Posts: 2,540
    It could be down to any one (or more) of a number of things:

    It could just be that you're not used to a typical road bike position, which as it is "lower and flatter" which naturally puts more weight on your arms than on a mountain bike.
    You are holding on too tight - easily done if you're not used to a road bikes "twitchy" handling.
    You aren't taking the opportunity to change hand positions often enough.
    You are riding with "stiff" arms, rather than leaning forward and having your arms slightly more relaxed.
    You need to put more miles in to work on your core strength and fitness.

    Or you may need to tweak and adjust your bikes position - saddle and or bars to get a comfier position.
    Saddle - fore/aft position, height, angle.
    Handlebars - rotate to a better position / stem length.
    Cycling weakly
  • wiil do thanks for reply
  • Woodchip
    Woodchip Posts: 205
    Are you using full finger gloves? I had a pair of full finger gloves that were just slightly t0o small for me. The pressure on the end of one of my fingers gave my pins and needles from my palm to my elbow.

    Took me AGES to find the cause of that one as I first thought it was the Ulnar Nerve (I think, the one in your palm by your thumb).
    I have nothing more to say on the matter.