Road bikers

Surf-Matt Posts: 5,952
edited August 2009 in The Crudcatcher
Have been road biking (and still MTBing) for a couple of months now and am finding the road section of this website to be full of the most arrogant, opinionated, pedantic, boring old farts I've ever "met" before. What is wrong with them?!

While I'll carry on riding our Allez, I really hope this website is not indicitive of most road riders? Is it the lycra? Is it the leg shaving? Apparently MTBers are all kids that need to grow up (according to a regular roadie poster). Well I find them far more laid back, more interesting and far easier to get on with. I reckon there must be no more than a couple of what I'd call "wierdos" on here. The roadie section seems to be at least 50% freaks.



  • SBezza
    SBezza Posts: 2,173
    We are not all that bad Matt, some are as bad as you say though, just ignore them.
  • jay12
    jay12 Posts: 6,126
    my brothers a roadie and he rides with a club. they are all nice,funny and laidback people. some roadies are also nice to mtbers but most as you said are just freaks
  • Surf-Matt
    Surf-Matt Posts: 5,952
    SBezza - of course they aren't all bad but there are enough on here to warrant not posting on the road section any more. There are some proper PITAs on there.
  • I find that riding my mtb a lot on roads, some people on road bikes totally blank me. Others do greet me, but then again some people on mountain bikes ignore me too. I tend to just nod or say hi to anyone.
    Start Weight 18st 13lbs March 2009
    17st 10lbs August 2009
    17st 4lbs October 2009
    15st 12lbs December 2010

    Final planned weight 12st 7lbs
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,666
    i love to ride my road bike but there is no way i could be conidered a roadie. i agree, the roadie section isnt prticularly welcoming and is occupied by a few unsavoury forumites.

    i would imagine that if we mtb riders need to grow up, maybe the roadies need to act a bit younger!
  • boogercj
    boogercj Posts: 316
    i love to ride my road bike but there is no way i could be conidered a roadie. i agree, the roadie section isnt prticularly welcoming and is occupied by a few unsavoury forumites.

    i would imagine that if we mtb riders need to grow up, maybe the roadies need to act a bit younger!

    It seems a lot of roadies take themswelves far too seriously, with their sponsor emblazened lycra suits, shaven legs,funny helmets and "proper" diets, constantly wondering how many 1000ths of a second they can shave off that 100km sprint.

    Alot of MTBers I know are just all about the fun, seeing how fast you can ride down/accross/through/over stuff before you fall off. Grow up? Nah! :D
  • M1llh0use
    M1llh0use Posts: 863
    agreed, roadies=wierd (must be all the exhaust fumes)

    grow old, mandatory. grow up, NEVER!!!
    {insert smartarse comment here}
  • dodgy
    dodgy Posts: 2,890
    It's easy to pass comment on people that you haven't got to know. I don't believe for one second that a whole discipline of cycling is occupied by freaks, any more than I could say that there are a lot of wannabees in MTBing. When you get to know people, you find that though cycling maybe a passion to them, they're just regular people.

    Note - not being said hello to by a roadie or MTBer as they whizz past does not mean they are evil, it probably more likely means that they are more focused on what they are doing.

    If we're in the mood for casting aspersions, I could say that there are a lot of preening MTBers and freeriders (or whatever we call them this week), particularly in my experience at Llandegla. I regularly ride up there from my home at the top of the Wirral and a lot of them are raising eyebrows at me because I look different to them. What they don't know is that on any other given weekend I could be out on the trails myself. Some of them seem to think they're completely hardcore, but what are they doing at a trail centre if they are?

    ^^^ See that last paragraph? That probably reads that I am anti-MTBers, I'm not - because I am one, in fact I'm any kind of cyclist that I want to be on any given day. The preening freeriders posing around the cafe area are probably top blokes, it's just that some of them lack the imagination to suppose that the guy in lycra sitting at the bench on his own is just like them.

    FWIW, I always make an effort to make a small wave to all cyclists (my preference, because it's easier to see than a nod) by lifting my right hand off the bars. The only time I don't acknowledge is when I judge that the other rider is probably not passionate about this great sport, they might be an old bloke or lady on a shopping bike, but you can tell who is into the sport (regardless of the bike they're on) by a glance - I think you all know what I'm talking about here, don't use this as an opportunity to say "look at the roadie/MTBer who looks down on cyclists with cheap bikes".

    I think it's a shame that Matt chose to slag off a whole section of the site.

    I love cycling, no matter what bike I'm on, the rider doesn't change.
  • to be fair i read what happened over on the roadie bit, and it seemed to me that they didnt listen to a word matt said. several regular posters just chose to have a go at him unnecessarily.

    i have never liked the general atmosphere over there myself. i aired my views at an early stage, and within hours the thread magically vanished. i only look in on the triathlon and beginners sections because of this.

    the training section is hilarious. you get loads of beginners coming on asking general 'how to improve' questions. they get endless dull posts about all sorts of crazy stuff that might help a pro shave 0.01s off his 10k tt time, but not much use to an average rider wanting to get fit and ride for enjoyment.

    my personal favourite put down of matt simply said 'loser'. this was from a poster who takes up half a page telling everyone his 'stats' from a 20 min ride on a turbo. just get out and ride people.
  • Surf-Matt
    Surf-Matt Posts: 5,952
    Except he, king of pedantry, wrote "looser" - he'll pretend he was being "ironic" but we all know he spelt it wrong :twisted:
  • .blitz
    .blitz Posts: 6,197
    Didn't even know we were allowed on the Road forum. I thought you had to be 'invited' or pass some kind of test... :?

  • whyamihere
    whyamihere Posts: 7,716
    Protip: Starting a thread with the title starting "Die roadies" is unlikely to endear you to the roadies.
  • Surf-Matt
    Surf-Matt Posts: 5,952
    whyamihere wrote:
    Protip: Starting a thread with the title starting "Die roadies" is unlikely to endear you to the roadies.

    MTB protip - learn that roadies seem to suffer a complete lack of any SOH. Are they all German in origin?
  • dodgy
    dodgy Posts: 2,890
    To be honest, i hardly ever take any notice what part of the site I'm on. I use the new posts feature ... d=newposts and I'll dip into whatever threads are active.

    Perhaps that's why I don't notice any particularly anti road or anti MTB rhetoric, because I'm largely ignorant of what I'm 'expecting' to read if you see what I mean?
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,666
    yeah man it's fooken strange, as I though a bike represented freedom, freedom from stress, freedom from people, freedom from ones own mind,,, not rules.
  • GmanUK101 wrote:
    yeah man it's fooken strange, as I though a bike represented freedom, freedom from stress, freedom from people, freedom from ones own mind,,, not rules.

    Gman that was beautiful, i could't have put it better myself
  • Surf-Matt
    Surf-Matt Posts: 5,952
    And now they are all stepping in and having a little dig over "there"... at least there are a few who see sense and appear more or less sane.

    While blasting me for possibly getting scamera'd yesterday, they are all piling into a thread about breaking speed limits on their bikes... :roll:
  • Surf-Matt
    I lasted about 2 thread on that side.... bunch of wankers. :lol:
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,666
    it's quite amusing,, a lot of anger over there. must be the tight clothing..pmsl
  • softlad
    softlad Posts: 3,513
    Hey fellas - I owe you all an apology. I've been browsing through this forum just now, expecting to see loads of 'anti-roadie' threads, but I can't - except for this one.

    And ironically, this one has been started by an unbalanced wierdo who likes to dish it out - but runs away crying when he gets it back..... ;)

    surf's up dude.....
  • Surf-Matt
    Surf-Matt Posts: 5,952
    Can't help but snoop can you stalker man? Guys, this is one of the worst of the lot.

    Although a fair few compete for the honour.
  • boogercj
    boogercj Posts: 316
    What the? A Roady!!

    Release the hounds!
  • softlad
    softlad Posts: 3,513
    boogercj wrote:
    What the? A Roady!!

    Release the hounds!

    I knew somebody would say that. But that's the thing you see - I'm not.

    Well, I am mostly, but I got into road racing originally through MTBing. And besides, with local trails like Brechfa and NyA, it's not possible to be 'just' a roadie round here.....
  • Surf-Matt
    Surf-Matt Posts: 5,952
    Release the hounds, the hunting falcon, the lions and maybe some comedy aggro monkeys just to keep things a little light hearted.

    This guy lives in West Wales - and DOESN'T MOUNTAIN BIKE at all - that's pretty much criminal.

    Like living in the Alps but not skiing or boarding.
  • softlad
    softlad Posts: 3,513
    Surf-Matt wrote:
    Can't help but snoop can you stalker man?

    snoop..? this is the internet and none of these forums are password-protected....
  • softlad
    softlad Posts: 3,513
    edited August 2009
    Surf-Matt wrote:

    This guy lives in West Wales - and DOESN'T MOUNTAIN BIKE at all - that's pretty much criminal.

    Like living in the Alps but not skiing or boarding., that's not right.....I think you made that up...
  • boogercj
    boogercj Posts: 316
    OK, but you are in grave danger of taking yourself a bit seriously.

    Have those hounds turned up yet? Stoopid mutts. :lol:
  • softlad
    softlad Posts: 3,513
    boogercj wrote:
    OK, but you are in grave danger of taking yourself a bit seriously.

    Have those hounds turned up yet? Stoopid mutts. :lol:

    I don't think I could ever be accused of that. No sign of the dogs yet, but we are a bit tucked away and the directions need to be spot on....
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    I think all sections have their fair share of c0cks.

    However I wouldn't go into a new section with a thread entitled 'Die roadies, I have a beamer' or what ever it was!!!!
  • softlad
    softlad Posts: 3,513
    supersonic wrote:
    However I wouldn't go into a new section with a thread entitled 'Die roadies, I have a beamer' or what ever it was!!!!

    especially when there is a sticky at the top of the page in memory of a forum member who did indeed die on the road...